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Thread: The Vamos A Matar Companeros Lyrics

  1. #1
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    Default The Vamos A Matar Companeros Lyrics

    Can anyone translate the great song of Ennio Morricone in the movie of Sergio Corbucci's Italian Western Classic Vamos A Matar Companeros
    No other translation I could find on net so also you most possibly will have the honor of being the first one to translate this great song
    Thanks in advance


    Vamos a matar companeros

    (B. Corbucci, E. Morricone)

    Levantando en aire los sombreros
    Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, companeros

    Pintaremos de rojosol y cielos
    Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, companeros

    Hay que ganar moriendo, pistoleros
    Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, companeros

    Hay que morir venciendo, guerrilleros
    Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, companeros

    Luchando con el hambre, sin dineros
    Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, companeros

    Estudiantes, rebeldes, bandoleros
    Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, companeros

    Hermanos somos, reyes y obreros
    Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, companeros

    Fabio Meini
    Last edited by kasa; 04-13-2008 at 03:44 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Hola Kasa, bienvenida al foro.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Frank van den Eeden's Avatar
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    Default some bloodthirsty song !

    Vamos a matar compañeros
    Let’s (go) kill/slaughter comrades

    (B. Corbucci,
    E. Morricone)

    Levantando en aire los sombreros

    Lift your hats up in the air
    Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros
    Let’s go kill, let’s go kill comrades

    Pintaremos de rojo sol y cielos

    We’ll paint the sun and sky in red
    Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros
    Let’s go kill, let’s go kill comrades

    Hay que ganar moriendo, pistoleros

    We have to win dying, gunmen
    Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros
    Let’s go kill, let’s go kill comrades

    Hay que morir venciendo, guerrilleros

    We have to die triumphing, guerrilleros
    Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, companeros
    Let’s go kill, let’s go kill, comrades

    Luchando con el hambre, sin dineros

    Fighting with hunger, without money
    Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros
    Let’s go kill, let’s go kill, comrades

    Estudiantes, rebeldes, bandoleros

    Students, rebels, bandits
    Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros
    Let’s go kill, let’s go kill, comrades

    Hermanos somos, reyes y obreros

    We are brothers, kings or workmen
    Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros

    Let’s go kill, let’s go kill, comrades

    Fabio Meini
    Last edited by Frank van den Eeden; 04-13-2008 at 09:46 AM.
    beste groeten - sincères salutations - kindest regards - atentamente - mit freundlichen Grüßen

  4. #4
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank van den Eeden
    Vamos a matar companeros
    Let’s (go) kill/slaughter, comrades I think the comma is important here.

    (B. Corbucci,
    E. Morricone)

    Levantando en aire los sombreros

    Lifting our hats up in the air
    Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros
    Let’s go kill, let’s go kill, comrades

    Pintaremos de rojo sol y cielos

    We’ll paint the sun and sky in red
    Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros
    Let’s go kill, let’s go kill, comrades

    Hay que ganar muriendo, pistoleros

    We have to win dying, gunmen
    Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros
    Let’s go kill, let’s go kill, comrades

    Hay que morir venciendo, guerrilleros

    We have to die in triumph, guerrilleros
    Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, companeros
    Let’s go kill, let’s go kill, comrades

    Luchando con el hambre, sin dineros

    Fighting with hunger, without money
    Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros
    Let’s go kill, let’s go kill, comrades

    Estudiantes, rebeldes, bandoleros

    Students, rebels, bandits
    Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros
    Let’s go kill, let’s go kill, comrades

    Hermanos somos, reyes y obreros

    We are brothers, kings or workmen
    Vamos a matar, vamos a matar, compañeros

    Let’s go kill, let’s go kill, comrades

    Fabio Meini
    FRank, I have taken your translation as backup. I have made some changes. Let's wait for natives to improve...

  5. #5
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    thank you very much exxcéntrica and frank and congratulations
    I dont know Spanish but
    guerrillero is guerilla
    and maybe for grammar
    win dying win by dying
    die in triumph die for triumph
    might be more correct well also might not be of course
    is there any possibility to translate vamos a matar as we shall going to kill or we are going to kill
    also we were trying to translate this in youtube maybe helps in some way or you can listen the song

  6. #6
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kasa
    thank you very much exxcéntrica and frank and congratulations
    You're welcome.
    I don't know Spanish but
    guerrillero is guerilla
    No, it is not. Guerrillero is the "soldier" from the guerrilla. The latter is the "organization" itself.

    we shall going to kill or we are going to kill
    Yes, that's another possibility.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Frank van den Eeden's Avatar
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    we shall going to kill ... ???

    I do not want to offend anyone, but that is NO English !
    beste groeten - sincères salutations - kindest regards - atentamente - mit freundlichen Grüßen

  8. #8
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank van den Eeden
    we shall going to kill ... ???

    I do not want to offend anyone, but that is NO English !
    Of course: We shall kill, or we shall go and kill...

    Well observed, Frank.

  9. #9
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    no offend at all neither I know Spanish nor I am a native English speaker
    I try to accomplish a reliable and if possible a good translation which can be sing with the song with your great and kind helps
    we are working together

    Function: noun

    Etymology: Spanish guerrilla, from diminutive of guerra war, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German werra strife


    a person who engages in irregular warfare especially as a member of an independent unit carrying out harassment and sabotage
    it seemed guerilla may be used both for organisation and fighter but if not it might be guerilla fighter as in youtube translation

    you are most possibly right about my grammar
    maybe we shall be killing is another possibility


    here is also the youtube translation from a non Spanish fan of the movie maybe some way it helps too


    Raising in the air the sombreros
    [refrain] let's go and(1) kill, let's go and(1) kill, companions(2)
    we'll paint red(3) the sun an' the sky
    you(4) must gain(5) while dying, gunmen
    you(4) must die while winning(6), guerrilla fighters
    fighting with the hunger, moneylesses
    students, rebels, bandits
    brothers we are, kings and workers


    (1) and: literally should be "to", but I used to know that in correct English one must use instead "go and {verb}" or "go {verb}ing", in this case I prefer the first.

    (2) companions: I used this 'vox media' instead of "comrades" because the guerrilleros aren't communists or fascists and in Italian while "camerata" means "companion-in-arms" and is the fascist-specific term of address, "compagno" isn't communist-specific, is a common word (it's used even between children and between the partisans of Radical Party, the libertarian one); I supposed in Spanish it's the same, so the uncoloured term.

    (3) red: as in "blood", no correletion with "paint the town red". (note: "rojo[space]sol y cielo" more probable without "s")

    (4) you: impersonal, to be clearer I could have used "one", but I prefer "you".

    (5) gain: the Spanish "ganar" actually means "gain, earn", I think it's used as "gain (even a little) victory for the final victory".

    (6) winning: this is my worry because there's no sense in wishing death during victory, I think it's used as "winning against an enemy" therefore "doing the best".
    Last edited by kasa; 04-14-2008 at 11:54 AM.

  10. #10
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kasa
    a person who engages in irregular warfare especially as a member of an independent unit carrying out harassment and sabotage
    Interesting, but wrong.

    guerrillero, ra.

    1. adj. Perteneciente o relativo a la guerrilla.
    2. m. y f. Paisano que combate en la guerrilla.

    Can be the person or the adjective, but not the "organization", neither the other way round.

    (Del dim. de guerra).

    2. f. Partida de tropa ligera, que hace las descubiertas y rompe las primeras escaramuzas.
    3. f. Partida de paisanos, por lo común no muy numerosa, que al mando de un jefe particular y con poca o ninguna dependencia de los del Ejército, acosa y molesta al enemigo.
    Guerrilla is NOT a person, but a group of persons.

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