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Thread: Help with song translation

  1. #1
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    Default Help with song translation

    Hello--I recently heard a song by Negrocan - "Cada Vez". I've translated most of the song, but am stuck on a few parts. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

    Cada vez que te veo me acuerdo de esos tiempos con la cervesa a litro mirando la puesta del sol.
    "Everytime that I see you, I remember the times with a liter of beer looking at the sunset"

    El escritorio y una mesa colocaado en la veredaa se juntabann los amigos a discutirr la situacion
    "The desk and the table...[having trouble with this]"

    [Not sure if I heard this correctly]
    Beiraa mar vamo nalaebaa

    Cada vez que te veo

    Cada vez que te veo la noche se transforma en una serie de recuerdos casi pura ilusion
    "Every time that I see you, the night changes into a series of memories just like an illusion"

    Repitiendo los mismos cuentos de vez en cuando siento la brisa de esa playa flameandoo mi pantalon
    "My memories keep repeating about when a breeze from that beach blew away my pants"

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by surreal1780
    El escritorio y una mesa colocaado en la veredaa se juntabann los amigos a discutirr la situacion
    "The desk and the table...[having trouble with this]"
    "The desk and a table on the sidewalk, friends get together to talk about the situation."

    I don't know the song, otherwise I might be able to help you with the verse you might not have heard correctly.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Help with song translation

    Been on google translate and think it's "Ver a mar" View of the sea. Couldn't get the other bit, then something at the end about The Harsh seas.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Help with song translation

    I doubt my contribution will be useful as this post is from a few years ago! However, I dare say this is a typical case where you will need a localization job more than a simple literal translation. For instance, it's weird to talk about liters of beer when the use in English speaking countries is either of a six-pack or pints.

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