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Thread: Spanish phrase no one seems to know

  1. #1
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    Default Spanish phrase no one seems to know

    I got this old sword from an antique shop that has a phrase along the blade. No one seems to be able to figure out what exactly it means. Hopefully someone here can help me out.

    "No Conoscas morada ni conoscas laberinto no enamores mujer casada"

    below that it says:

    "ni montes en puerco pinto"

  2. #2
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    Default Traducciones literales e interpretaciones


    "No Conoscas morada ni conoscas laberinto no enamores mujer casada"
    word by word: "Do not know a dwelling neither know a labyrinth nor get i" love with a married woman".
    One interpretation: don´t settle (or get married), don´t get into a muddle don´t play with a married woman

    "ni montes en puerco pinto"
    "don´t ride on a stained pork", oops! a possible interpretation: don´t mess up.

    Well, that may give you a picture, I hope.
    A ver si te sirve amigo.

  3. #3
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    I agree with Armando's interpretation. I had never heard that sentence before.

  4. #4
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    This is the one I have heard and as I can see it's very similar to the other one. It's Mexican and it has a meaning very close to the one Armando has explained. The part that has to do with the spotted pig has a racist meaning. (don't ride a pig "with spots")

    En martes no te cases, ni te embarques ni tu puerco mates. ..... pasando por San Pioquinto, no enamores mujer casada ni montes caballo pinto.

    hope it helps!
    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
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  5. #5
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    Default spanish phrase

    I have a sword with that phrase on it.
    no conoscas marada ni conoscas labertino
    with this below
    no enamores mujer casada ni montes en puerco pinto
    I got it from my grandfather. I was told it meant:
    I would rather ride a wild pig than sleep with a maried woman
    I believe it is Cuban.

  6. #6
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    Default As it happens to words, through time, people derive different meanings to phrases.

    I agree with you Paultal as well as with SandraT.

    If a pink horse is savage, what can we expect from a pink pig; your grand pa was d...right!

    Spanish colonizers brought the arabian pink horse, don't know why, because they didn't use them for the army, as horses had to have a uniform "capa" coat(?) for their different squads.

    If you yahoo or google to "refranes mexicanos" they quote them but don't explain. If you ask ganaderos mexicanos, by their blogs, they will start to
    quarrel. So, why not ask a specialist (Herón Pérez Martinez, about "horses and women sayings") from "el Colegio de Michoacan ", & don' forgétotelme the final conclusions!:


  7. #7
    SJP is offline
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    Question Re: Spanish phrase no one seems to know

    I have just purchased a sword with this phrase as well. I have been trying to find a more absolute definition of its meaning. Does anyone know what time/year this phrase or dialect comes from. Anyone with these similar swords have more insight about the inscription, age, or sword history from the Spanish?? Please post anything you have...

  8. #8
    Contributing User Faraó's Avatar
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    Default Re: Spanish phrase no one seems to know

    Hi everyone,

    I'm sure that nobody will comment or answer to this post - I don't know if everyone is busy these days, because I don't see too many action around here, and everytime I post something I can't see any feedback... anyway, here's my contribution even if it's not interesting or helpful

    I know the proverb that SandraT posted. Its seems that Portuguese have the same one, which comes from Mirandês: "Na terça, nin tou cochino mates, nin tue filha cases, nin tue tela urdas" (Na terça, nem o teu porco mates, nem a tua filha cases, nem a tua teia urdas).

    I don't know its origin as well, but I would say that the proverb reminds me of some of the ten Commandments somehow...

    For those who don't know what is Mirandês, check it at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirandese_language

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