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Thread: More help needed please

  1. #1
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    Default More help needed please

    I wonder if someone could help me to translate the following:

    muxas gracias por el cumplido chiqui te envie el sms donde te proponía que no perdiéramos más el tiempo, que por fin pudiéramos vernos, hablar, mirarnos, tocarno y amarmos, pues el tiempo es muy preciado y pasa drepisa. Me gustaría que en vez de soñar contigo pudiera tenerte al lado y no perder ni un ápice de tu belleza, de tu dulzura, alegría, proyectos, pasión. Seguramente no te encontrarás en una buena situación pero por lo menos piénsalo, planteate dejarte llevar, arriesgate. En el fondo vivir es eso arriesgarse con temores pero con valentía de la mano de la persona que quieres, aunque quizás el problema es que no me quieres a mi.

    I hope it's not too much to ask, I'm not sure of the etiquette for this forum, normally I like to be able to give back but I'm not sure how I can help out in this forum. Hope I'm not being too demanding, just let me know if I am.
    Many thanks

  2. #2
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    Hola! If you are having trouble translating the phrase, try giving us your own version first and we would be happy to work with you on words you are unfamiliar with or other problem areas. This forum is not a free translation service but is a great place to express ideas, share doubts and learn more about both Spanish and English.

    Basically this person wants to spend more time with you and is wanting you to take a chance - "dejarte llevar, arriesgate" but is unsure if your feelings are mutual - "quizás el problema es que no me quieres a mi."

    Hope it helps!

  3. #3
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    Ok, I understand your point, here is my translation, I get a bit confused in places though so please bear with me!

    .ExternalClass .EC_hmmessage P{padding:0px;}.ExternalClass EC_body.hmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;}
    muxas gracias por el cumplido chiqui te envie el sms donde te proponía que no perdiéramos más el tiempo, que por fin pudiéramos vernos, hablar, mirarnos, tocarno y amarmos, pues el tiempo es muy preciado y pasa drepisa. Me gustaría que en vez de soñar contigo pudiera tenerte al lado y no perder ni un ápice de tu belleza, de tu dulzura, alegría, proyectos, pasión. Seguramente no te encontrarás en una buena situación pero por lo menos piénsalo, planteate dejarte llevar, arriesgate. En el fondo vivir es eso arriesgarse con temores pero con valentía de la mano de la persona que quieres, aunque quizás el problema es que no me quieres a mi. Muchos besos corazón espero te llegue mi carta pronto mua.
    Many thanks for your compliment darling, I sent you a sms in which i suggest that we don't lose anymore time, that finally we can see ourselves, talk, look at each other, touch each other and love each other, as time is very precious. I would like it, one time "de sonar de" with you, I can have you near, and not lose one piece of your beauty, your sweetness, happiness, protection? and passion.
    Surely you find yourself not in a good place, but at least think about it. I suggest to you that you leave yourself llevar arriesgate. In the fund of life (?) it is jeoporidising yourself with temores but with valetine of the hand of the person that you want, and maybe the problem is that you don't love me. Lots of kisses my heart, i hope for a ltter from you soon mua

  4. #4
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    Sorry it's all gotten a bit confused in there! I'm struggling with some of the more complex and colloquial phrases such as "En el fondo vivir es eso arriesgarse con temores " and most importantly "tocarno y amarmos" which i think is quite important. Does Amarmos mean to love each other, is this meant in a friendly way or a sexual way or does it just depend?

    Thanks for any help.

  5. #5
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    Many thanks for your compliment darling, I sent you a sms in which i suggest that we don't waste any more time, that we could finally see each other, talk, look at each other, touch each other and love each other, as time is very precious and quickly passes by. I would like that instead of dreaming about you, I could have you near (close), and not lose one piece of your beauty, your sweetness, happiness, projects (probably meaning ideas) and passion.
    You are probably not in a good situation (or place), but at least think about it. I suggest that you let yourself get carried away, take a risk. When it comes down to it, living is just that: taking a risk, though with fear as well as bravery alongside the person that you love, although maybe the problem is that you don't love me. Lots of kisses (an affectionate term, meaning something similar to my dear) my heart, i hope for a letter from you soon mua

    You got the general idea from the note, good job! "en el fondo" means something along the lines of "at the root", "at the core" or "essentially". "amarnos" is just about as vague as it is in English but it would be my guess that he is talking about something a lot more serious than friendship The thing this person wants is to be near you and at your side, so "tocarnos" can simply mean just that, but again, in the context I think he is after something serious. Hope this helps, and keep on posting!

  6. #6
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    THank you so much for your help, it is greatly appreciated. I kind of knew what the implied meaning would be, but it's really hard, when you don;t know the language, to be confident about the translation. Thank you for helping me.

  7. #7
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    No problem, I am glad I could help! Don't be afraid to make mistakes because that is really the best way to learn

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