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Thread: Lyric Translation

  1. #1
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    Exclamation Can someone please translate the lyrics for this song???

    Can someone translate this song for me please? My friend said it's his favorite Alejandro Sanz song and so I want to know what the lyrics mean.

    Cuando Nadie Me Ve

    A veces me elevo, doy mil volteretas
    a veces me encierro tras puertas abiertas
    a veces te cuento por que este silencio
    y es que a veces soy tuyo y a veces del viento.
    A veces de un hilo y a veces de un ciento
    y hay veces, mi vida, te juro que pienso:
    ¿por qué es tan difícil sentir como siento?
    sentir ¡como siento! que sea difícil
    A veces te miro y a veces te dejas
    me prestas tus alas, revisas tus huellas
    a veces por todo aunque nunca me falles
    a veces soy tuyo y a veces de nadie
    a veces te juro de veras que siento,
    no darte la vida entera, darte sólo esos momentos
    ¿por qué es tan dificil? ...vivir solo es eso...
    vivir, solo es eso... ¿por qué es tan dificil?
    Cuando nadie me ve
    puedo ser o no ser cuando nadie me ve
    pongo el mundo del revés
    cuando nadie me ve no me limita la piel
    cuando nadie me ve
    puedo ser o no ser
    cuando nadie me ve.
    A veces me elevo, doy mil volteretas
    a veces me encierro tras puertas abiertas
    a veces te cuento por que este silencio
    y es que a veces soy tuyo y a veces del viento
    Te escribo desde los centros de mi propia existencia
    donde nacen las ansias la infinita esencia
    hay cosas muy tuyas que yo no comprendo
    y hay cosas tan mías pero es que yo no las veo
    supongo que pienso que yo no las tengo
    no entiendo mi vida, se encienden los versos
    que a oscuras te puedo, lo siento no acierto
    no enciendas las luces que tengo desnudos,
    el alma y el cuerpo
    Cuando nadie me ve
    puedo ser o no ser
    cuando nadie me ve
    me parezco a tu piel
    cuando nadie me ve
    yo pienso en ella también
    cuando nadie me ve,
    puedo ser o no ser
    cuando nadie me ve,
    no limita la piel
    Cuando nadie me ve
    puedo ser o no ser
    cuando nadie me ve
    no me limita la piel
    puedo ser, puedo ser o no ser
    cuando nadie me ve.
    A veces me elevo doy mil volteretas
    te encierro en mis ojos tras puertas abiertas
    a veces te cuento por que este silencio
    y es que a veces soy tuyo y a veces...
    del viento
    a veces del viento
    y a veces del tiempo.
    Last edited by Shakira113; 06-24-2007 at 06:51 PM.

  2. #2
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    When nobody looks at me
    Sometimes I get high, spin a thousand times
    sometimes I lock up myself behind open doors
    sometimes I tell you the reason for this silence
    and it's just sometimes I'm yours and sometimes I belong to the wind.
    Sometimes to a thread and sometimes to a hundred
    and there's sometimes in my life I swear I think:
    why is it so hard to feel like I do?
    to feel how sorry I am! that it's so hard
    Sometimes I look at you and sometimes you allow me to
    you lend me your wings, you check up your footprints
    and sometimes because of everything eventhough you never fail me
    sometimes I'm yours and sometimes nobody's
    sometimes I swear I am so sorry
    of not giving you my whole life, to give you only those moments
    why is it so hard? ...to live is only that...
    to live, is only that... why is it so hard?
    When nobody looks at me the skin doesn't restrict me
    when nobody looks at me
    I can be or not to be
    when nobody looks at me.
    Sometimes I get high, I spin a thousand times
    sometimes I lock myself up behind open doors
    sometimes I tell you the reason for this silence
    and it's just sometimes I'm yours and sometimes I belong to the wind.
    I write to you from the centers of my own existence
    where the yearning and the infinite essence are born
    there are things which are very your own which I don't understand
    and there are things so mine but it's just I don't see them
    I guess I think I don't have them
    I don't understand my life, the verses ignite
    the ones which in the dark I can, I'm sorry I don't hit the mark
    don't turn on the lights because they are naked,
    my soul and my body
    When nobody looks at me
    I can be or not to be
    when nobody looks at me
    I look like your skin
    when nobody looks at me
    I think of her too
    when nobody looks at me,
    I can be or not to be
    when nobody looks at me,
    the skin is not a restriction
    When nobody looks at me
    I can be or not to be
    when nobody looks at me
    the skin doesn't restrict me
    I can be, I can be or not to be
    when nobody looks at me.
    Sometimes I get high and spin a thousand times
    I lock you up in my eyes behind open doors
    sometimes I tell you the reason for this silence
    and it's just sometimes I'm yours and sometimes...
    I belong to the wind
    sometimes to the wind
    and sometimes to time.

    I'm sorry for the verse which reads "I don't understand my life, the verses ignite
    the ones which in the dark I can, I'm sorry I don't hit the mark" because I couldn't find an appropriate translation for that expresion, because even in Spanish I don't get what Alejandro meant. I'm personally not a fan of his music or lyrics, so I'm lost referring that part of the song. Maybe it's a very personal expression to him.
    And the second observation on this lyrics, is about "centros", that could be the way he actually wrote and sang it, but that's not correct. Just to be loyal to Spanish language, take into account that word hasn't got a plural form. The correct form would be "I write you from the center" not "centers", I translated it that way, because I wanted to respect the author's grammar.
    I hope you enjoy the song.
    Best wishes, goddbye!!

  3. #3
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    Default Thanks!

    Thanks so much for the translation! Even with this translation, I am not sure what he means in this song. But thank you still for translating it, because I can now get an idea. Do you have any ideas of what he may be talking about?

  4. #4
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    Sure, I'll give you my opinion, but it's my personal point of view, maybe some other people may have different opinions.
    To me, this is a song in which he tells to a girl who he's in love with, how he feels about her. He feels so excited and happy but at the same time he's a little shame, so that's why he says "when nobody looks at me", and then he jumps in joy and feels like he's flying and spinning a thousand times, because of all the grace he's being filled with. When he says "sometimes I'm yours and sometimes I belong to the wind", maybe he's saying that his love belongs to his girl, but actually he's a boy or man who likes to look at other girls. That's one way of understanding it. But it could also mean that sometimes all of his attention is put on her, and sometimes he doesn't mind anything because she doesn't pay attention to him at all.
    Next in the lyrics we can see the same idea expressed in different ways, for examples when he says "sometimes I'm yours, sometimes anybody's", that could be because sometimes he puts all of his energy in loving her, and sometimes he likes to lockup inside his own mind and feelings. It's like a "hidden love" or passion he feels.
    He also says something about feeling sorry for not to give her all of his live, but only a few moments of it. That could be because they only enjoy shorts periods of extreme passion and then they separate again.
    He also recognizes not all of their acts can be understood by each other "there are things which are very your own which I don't understand
    and there are things so mine but it's just I don't see them", he accepts that certain points in their personalities may not be fully compatible, but that's not an obstacle for their love. He also talks about "naked" feelings, which means very pure and strong feelings "I can be or not to be" reminding Shakespeare's famous phrase, it could also mean at this point he can be himself or act like someone else when nobody looks at him, because nobody's there to judge, or criticize him.
    When he says the skin doesn't restrict him could mean two of these: wheter he feels so full of grace that he feels bigger than his own body, or they are so happy together that they fuse or melt in an only same human being.
    And when he says he sometimes belongs to her and sometimes to the wind and sometimes to the wind, I think he feels the wind is like vanishing his existence and so is time doing. Like he's a toy for those elements.
    Well, that's a brief and very personal analysis. Maybe I have a great imagination or maybe I'm wright. I don't know. My wife likes his songs so I've listened to them from time to time but I always get the same feeling, like he's always comparing two opposite ideas in all of his lyrics. In his personal life, he has several soul mates and children from almost all of them, so that's why I think he could also be in doubt of loving an only woman. I don't think that's the reason why your boyfriend likes this song. But this coud be an ambiguous song. It's also very difficult to translate lyrics, because beyond grammar, the challenge is to understand what the author actually wanted to mean, and that could be hard even if the song is written in your mother tounge.
    Best regards!!!

  5. #5
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    Talking Thanks for your help!

    Thank you so much for your ideas about the lyrics!! I finally understand them now. My friend who likes this song isn't my boyfriend, but I am sure he is committed to his wife, so I'm not sure that that(...in doubt of loving an only woman...) is why he likes the song. But anyway, thanks for taking the time to type up your ideas, I know lyrics can have many meanings (especially Alejandro's) but it has still helped me understand the song a LOT better!

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