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Thread: Short translation Spanish-English

  1. #1
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    Default Short translation Spanish-English

    Hi, could someone help me with the translation of the following text in English:

    Luego visitaremos tres áreas con pinturas rupestres que presentan pictogramas únicos dejando a su imaginación la interpretación y la interpretación de los mismos. Viajemos juntos al tiempo de los primeros cazadores recolectores que poblaron estos lugares y nos dejaron evidencia de su paso por el continente americano.

    Thanks a lot!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Short translation Spanish-English

    Next, we are visiting three areas where we will find cave paintings with unique pictograms which will make your imagination run wild to interpret them..
    Let's go back to the first hunters who were harvesters and inhabited these areas. They showed their stay in the American continent.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Short translation Spanish-English

    degonel's translation is excellent. I would only modify the forst sentence to:

    Afterwards, we will be visiting three areas with cave paintings showing unique pictograms that will make your imagination run wild to interpret them..

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Short translation Spanish-English

    Quote Originally Posted by RACHEL84 View Post
    ...dejando a su imaginación la interpretación y la interpretación de los mismos.
    I bet Diegonel did more than an excellent job! It's hard to understand the meaning of this part of the sentence when apparently there is a transcription error that makes the word "interpretation" redundant.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Short translation Spanish-English

    I would say "leaving the interpretaion to your imagination"

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