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Thread: Can anyone translate this video for me?

  1. #1
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    Default Can anyone translate this video for me?

    Just tell me anything that the girls are saying.. (don't mind the english in the background)...


  2. #2
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    sorry, but I can't understand. that language is not Spanish...or it's an other variant of Spanish.. ( remember, the rhythm and intonation in Spanish is not the same in all countries )

  3. #3
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    They are speaking criolle. It´s spoken throughout the Caribean.
    It´s a mix of African, French and (I think) English.

  4. #4
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    ...OK...Now it has sense.... in some post of youtube...there is write "criolle", but I didn't know that was "criolle"...
    Thanks...Carlos Enrique

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