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Thread: Por ellas entran en la sala de clase la luz y el aire

  1. #1
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    Default Por ellas entran en la sala de clase la luz y el aire

    This statement is driving me crazy:

    Por ellas entran en la sala de clase la luz y el aire

    By them enters the light and air?

    The grammar is messed up, meaning it doesn't have a literal translation English. I believe this is a valuable grammar lesson in Spanish. Can someone explain it?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Xóchitl L.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Por ellas entran en la sala de clase la luz y el aire

    Hola manodesi524,

    I don't think the grammar is messed up at all. For what I understand, this sentence refers to some windows that let light and air in a classroom.

    Through them, light and air get/enter in the classroom.

    If my answer doesn't help, please post the whole paragraph.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Por ellas entran en la sala de clase la luz y el aire

    A typical confusing misuse of Spanish language is sometimes used personal pronouns to speak about objects, for example, "Ellas" to talk about the windows, properly speaking we would say "Éstas", it can be confusing.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Por ellas entran en la sala de clase la luz y el aire

    It's really not that confusing when you think about it, it just lacks a lot of context.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Por ellas entran en la sala de clase la luz y el aire

    I think FedericoP has a good point. Without context many assumptions can be made but it will be impossible to find the true meaning. Can you please post the entire page?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Por ellas entran en la sala de clase la luz y el aire

    "Through them, light and air enter in the classroom".

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