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Thread: Algo de mi inspiracion...

  1. #1
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    Default Algo de mi inspiracion...

    " Creo en la magia de la musica y en su maravilloso efecto de abrir los corazones como flores. Creo en el rapto de la musica y en sus canciones que te disparan para no herirte, solo para elegirte y despues, iluminarte. Creo en esas canciones que detienen el golpe a tiempo y al tiempo de golpe. Creo en las canciones que pueden alejarnos de la tristeza y de su maldita compañia, el dolor. Creo tambien que una sola cancion bastara para sanarnos o para enfermarnos, para destruirnos o para salvarnos...
    Esta es la historia de un corazon fragmentado o quizas, la historia de nuestros corazones fragmentados..."

    Bueno, es un texto muy importante para mi y quisiera que me ayuden a traducirlo al ingles. He intentado hacerlo pero supongo que tengo algunos errores en la gramatica. Bueno again, espero aprender mucho de ustedes ahora que los encontre. Gracias por estar alli!

    Last edited by fontana; 11-29-2011 at 09:25 PM. Reason: correction

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Algo de mi inspiracion...

    Hola Fontana,

    Ponenos tu intento en ingles y te ayudamos a mejorarlo.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Algo de mi inspiracion...

    Gracias joselas!

    I wrote this text and I would like to know my mistakes and the best suggestions to express my feelings. These were my inspired lines...

    " I believe in the magic of music and in its wonderful effect of opening up hearts like flowers. I believe in the rapture of music and in its songs (that/what/which) shoot you not to hurt you, just to choose you and then, illuminate you. I believe in songs that can stop the hit in time and the time at one time. I believe in songs that can move us away from sadness and its damned company, the pain. I also believe that a single song would be enough to heal us or make us ill, destroy us or save us...
    This is the story of a fragmented heart or maybe the story of our fragmented hearts..."

    Now, I will try to explain you a little bit my doubts...como por ejemplo con its, esta relacionado a pertenencia. No se si esta correcto asi...

    Acerca de rapture, Elegi esa palabra porque denota mas un secuestro o abducion. Otra opcion es trance pero rapto me resulta mas "profundo"

    Acerca de that/what/which...Creo que cualquiera puede ser usada pero no se cual es mejor...

    Acerca de hit, tengo muchas dudas con esta oracion. Creo que la primera parte esta clara, pero luego...I try to say when the music stops the time in one snap or something like that...

    Gracias una vez mas joselas. Ojala puedas seguir ayudandome

    Thanks for being there!


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Algo de mi inspiracion...

    Hola fontana, a ver si puedo ayudar en algo:

    Music and Rapture always go together. I´ve always heard various phrases about the "rapture of music" etc so I would choose that and not Trance.

    Acerca de that/what/which... Definitely not What, that doesn´t make sense. I would go with Which.

    Acerca de hit, I agree it´s tricky. I would write, "I believe in songs that can stop the HANDS OF time." y punto.

    Espero haberte ayudado

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Algo de mi inspiracion...

    Hey susie123!

    Thank you so much for your help!

    This is my last version of my text...

    I believe in the magic of music and in its wonderful effect of opening up hearts like flowers.
    I believe in the rapture of music and in its songs that shoot you not to hurt you, just to choose you and then, illuminate you.
    I believe in songs that holding back the blow in the nick of time and make time stop suddenly.
    I believe in songs that can take us away from sadness and its damned company, the pain.
    I also believe that a single song would be enough to heal us or make us ill, to destroy us or save us...
    This is the story of a fragmented heart or maybe the story of our fragmented hearts...

    Any that would be which?

    About the tricky sentence, another option is...

    I believe in songs that stop the blow on time and the time suddenly...

    Please, feel free to say me anything to get a right translation because this text will be a kind of short brief of my project...

    Thanks again!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Algo de mi inspiracion...

    Quote Originally Posted by fontana View Post
    Hey susie123!

    Thank you so much for your help!

    This is my last version of my text...

    I believe in the magic of music and in its wonderful effect of opening up hearts like flowers.
    I believe in the rapture of music and in its songs that shoot you not to hurt you, just to choose you and then, illuminate you.
    I believe in songs that holding back the blow in the nick of time and make time stop suddenly.
    I believe in songs that can take us away from sadness and its damned company, the pain.
    I also believe that a single song would be enough to heal us or make us ill, to destroy us or save us...
    This is the story of a fragmented heart or maybe the story of our fragmented hearts...

    Any that would be which?

    About the tricky sentence, another option is...

    I believe in songs that stop the blow on time and the time suddenly...

    Please, feel free to say me anything to get a right translation because this text will be a kind of short brief of my project...

    Thanks again!

    Hola fontana:

    Re shoot, perhaps "aim" might be better in this context.

    "Songs that are aimed at you, not to hurt, but to target (choose) you and then enlighten you."

    "I believe in those songs that can hold back the blow in time and stop the time of the blow."

    "I believe in songs that can take us away from sadness and its cursed companion. the pain"
    Last edited by vicente; 12-19-2011 at 12:04 AM.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Algo de mi inspiracion...

    Thanks vicente!

    I choose...shoot you, because I want to be more dramatic...como si las canciones fueran balas que dispara la musica...or something like that, talking in metaphoric way...

    Making just few changes, this is the text...

    I believe in the magic of music and in its wonderful effect of opening up hearts like flowers.
    I believe in the rapture of music and in its songs that shoot you, not to hurt you, just to choose you and then enlighten you.
    I believe in those songs that can hold back the blow in time and stop the time suddenly.
    I believe in songs that can take us away from sadness and its cursed companion, the pain.
    I also believe that a single song would be enough to heal us or make us ill, to destroy us or save us...
    This is the story of a fragmented heart or maybe the story of our fragmented hearts...

    I hope this is the final version.
    Thanks again for your help!

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Algo de mi inspiracion...

    Con gusto!! I think you've done an excellent job! Good luck fontana!!

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Algo de mi inspiracion...

    Guess something vicente...I'm here with another text!!!

    Sorry about that but I would like to know if these new lines are fine...I will write you the original text in my native language and then, my attempt in english...

    " Las palabras nunca alcanzan, las palabras son a veces, un fracaso de la imaginacion.
    Frente a la musica, no hay palabras. Explota el sol, nace la luz, juega el viento, nuestra luna brilla, tiembla tu corazon. Lo que suena es la emocion. Suena asi desde hace muchisimos años o desde hace solo 10 minutos. Suena otra vez y suena nueva, pura, distinta, amada...
    Solo hay que escuchar, sin nada para decir...

    Well, I think these lines are a little bit easy to translate but I have doubts with...lo que suena es la emocion...

    Never tired to say you thanks!!!!
    Last edited by fontana; 12-22-2011 at 09:50 PM. Reason: correction

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Algo de mi inspiracion...

    Hi fontana.

    I'm sure you know I am not a native Spanish speaker but a native English speaker. I will give you my best interpretation but you might prefer to wait for a native Spanish speaker to offer an opinion.

    Words never reach; words are a failure of imagination
    Facing the music, there are no words
    The sun bursts, light is born
    Play the wind, your heart trembles
    (The) sound is emotion; sounding for 300 or 400 years or 10 minutes ago
    It sounds again and sounds new, pure, different
    You only have to listen and say nothing
    Last edited by vicente; 12-22-2011 at 02:09 AM.

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