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Thread: Machuca

  1. #1
    Forum User
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    Default Machuca

    I have been asked to translate a chat message for someone, and I understand all of it except the word "Machuca" which appears halfway through. I can't tell if it's a spelling mistake (the writing and grammar are poor) or a slang word I've never seen. I am familiar with the verb "Machucar" and the adjective "Machucado" and know their definition, but I don't know if this word is meant in that way, or is something else like a slang word or a typing error. I have copied & pasted the entire message and highlighted the word so you can see it in it's context:

    Mira Bill, te dire algo, sé lo que digo.... no tienes que andar recordandomelo
    como si soy una mujer que digo algo y luego
    seme borra.

    No mido el tiempo quiero una familia cosa que no me diste tu en un maldito año, y sabes x k asi que trankilito.
    talves si buscas encontraras esa mujer que ves en mi pero que sea para ti

    por que yo estoy muy machuca de la vida ahora entiendes
    todo rekiere de sacrificio.

    y a ti te toca
    ahora. yo aguante un ano fiel para ty

  2. #2
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Machuca

    Where is the person from? That would help. Keep in mind this is slang. Here in Vzla. we don't use that word like that.

    I think she is hurt. Maybe she has had a rough life. Maybe she meant she is machucada por la vida which is that life has beaten her.
    Last edited by Cotty; 04-15-2011 at 07:29 PM.

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