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Thread: ¿Alguien podría transcribir el texto de este audio, por favor? (En inglés)

  1. #1
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    Question ¿Alguien podría transcribir el texto de este audio, por favor? (En inglés)

    Estoy traduciendo el disco Monty Python's Previous Record a partir de las letras en inglés, pero me faltan algunas letras, entre ellas la de un track llamado "Meteorology". ¿Alguien podría transcribir el texto de este audio en inglés? Me refiero al texto en inglés, luego lo traduciría yo. En Google no está en ningún sitio ya que no es un disco muy conocido.
    Muchísimas gracias

    Escuchar: Escuchar Meteorology Monty Python - goear.com

  2. #2
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    Default Re: ¿Alguien podría transcribir el texto de este audio, por favor? (En inglés)

    And now a word from a man who claims he can forecast the weather simply by looking at the sky, studying meteorological charts, and taking barograph readings

    Alright, good evening

    Now, is this a gift you were born with?

    No, no i went to meteorological college when i was 16, i spent 4 years there and then started work at the meteorological office where I've been for the last 20 years.

    I see, yes. And just by that you can tell what the weather will be like in 2 or 3 days ahead?

    Ah well, I also study the current isometric charts and the new weather satellites for great help

    And i suppose these satellites whiz around the world sending messages back to earth which tell us what the weather's going to be like?

    Well yes.

    But don't you find that a lot of people are just going to say this is just a lot of old wive's tale*?

    Uh, well no. We can be fairly accurate

    I mean, isn't it just like people who say if you get a couple of jet engines and some wings you can fly?

    Yes, well I suppose it is.

    Well maybe one day when we're all flying around in the air, you'll be able to use your charts and weather satellites to make sure it's nice weather for us

    Well that's one of our main functions of aviation meteorology.

    I see. Well, thank you Mr. Tindale, who claims he can tell what the weather is going to be like by "meteorology". Our next guest on "Stranger than Fiction" has with him a small mechanism with a tube at one end, called strangely enough a "barrel," and attached to this is a small curved piece of metal which is worked by the finger. And if pressed -- and this is the really amazing claim -- make a small round piece of metal fly out of this barrel and into the air. Mr. Tappey, it certainly looks ingenious. What do you call it?

    It's a clock.

    And how does it work?

    Ah, well, you put it down by the curtain board and near, but not too near, the mouse hole, and where the mouse pops its head out, the mechanism comes down like that, [boing] and uhh, there you have a reading light...


    Si necessitas ayuda con traducir, digame

    *La frase "old wive's tale" es un giro que significa una idea errónea
    Last edited by dw428; 12-29-2010 at 12:34 AM.

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