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Thread: No estás deprimido, estás distraído.

  1. #1
    Forum User
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    Default No estás deprimido, estás distraído.

    Hola, amigos ayudenme a traducir la siguiente frase al Ingles.


    No caigas en lo que cayó tu padre, que se siente viejo porque tiene 70 años, olvidando que Moisés dirigía el éxodo a los 80 y Rubinstein interpretaba como nadie a Chopin a los 90, sólo por citar dos casos conocidos. No estás deprimido, estás distraído. Por eso crees que perdiste algo, lo que es imposible, porque todo te fué dado. No hiciste ni un solo pelo de tu cabeza, por lo tanto no puedes ser dueño de nada.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: No estás deprimido, estás distraído.

    This translation will do if you just want to know what it means:

    Don't fall into the same trap that your father did, feeling old because you are 70, forgetting that Moses directed the exodus at the age of 80 and Rubenstein performed Chopin like no one else could at the age of 90, just to mention two well-known cases. You aren't depressed, you're distracted. That's why you think you lost something, which is impossible, because everything was given to you. You didn't create a single hair on your head, so it's not possible that you are the owner of anything.

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