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Thread: Translation for Latino Charity in London

  1. #1
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    Default Translation for Latino Charity in London

    Hi, I am a reasonable speaker of Spanish but feel I need a little help with this project. On Friday I will be taking a group of disabled Latinos on a short walk around Canterbury. I have scripted this in Englis, it amounts to about a page. Is there anyone willing to translate this for me?

  2. #2
    Senior Member mariacecilia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Translation for Latino Charity in London

    Maybe you can post your translated version here and then we can help you with any necessary corrections...

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Translation for Latino Charity in London

    Quote Originally Posted by mariacecilia
    Maybe you can post your translated version here and then we can help you with any necessary corrections...
    Canterbury Walk

    1. This is a walk showing you the highlights of Canterbury. It will take about one and a half hours
    we are facing Christchurch gate which was constructed in 1520 in memory of Prince Arthur the brother of Henry the eighth
    You will notice the heraldry that features the famous tudor rose and port portcullis.
    The statue of christ is more recent, built in 1990.
    Canterbury has a long history. The romans were here in 44 AD and the Christians came in the sixth century
    2.This is the church of St Thomas which was built more recently in memory of Thomas Beckett in the nineteenth century. It has some modern parts because this area was destroyed in the second world war.
    The sculpture to the right celebrates the arrival of St Augustine 1400 years ago
    3.Canterbury became a walled city in Roman times to provide a good defence against invasion
    Inside the city in those times was a theatre, public baths and a forum
    4.Here at Lady Wooten's green you can see the 2 statues of King Ethelbert and Queen Bertha.
    Ethelbert was the king of Kent in 561 and was a pagan
    Bertha was from france a christian.
    Soon after they married Saint Augustine arrived from Rome and converted Ethelbert to Christianity. Ethelbert gave Augustine the land for the abbey which we will pass next.
    From here you can see the roman gate that Bertha would have used to enter the city and another gate which is the entrance to the abbey.
    5.Here is the abbey given to Augustine by king Ethelbert and originally dedicated to St Peter and St Paul. The original building was destroyed by the Norman invaders and then rebuilt. A huge gothic monastery was constructed in the fourteenth century but Henry the eighth destroyed it in 1538 after he dissolved the catholic church and established the church of england.
    In the nineteenth century it was turned into a christian missionary organisation and now it is the home of Kings college, Canterbury.
    6.This is Saint Martin's church where Queen Bertha worshipped. The tower was added in the fifteenth century.
    7.This is a typical rural house from the fifteenth century. You can see a central hall and on one side the rooms for the owner and on the other the rooms for the servants.
    8.Here we are on the roman walls.
    9.This is Dane John Gardens where there was a prison and there is an ancient mound.
    10.Along Buchery lane this was an area destroyed in the second world war and you can also see a fine roman museum
    Canterbury cathedral is a world heritage site. The first church was built here in 597AD but the tower of 235 feet was added in the fifteenth century.
    In 1170 Thomas Becket was murdered here by 4 Norman Knights but the then King William was remorseful about this and the church remained independent. Beckett's death here caused canterbury to become a place of pilgrimage until in 1536 the church and monasteries were all closed by Henry and Canterbury was plunged into recession.

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