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Thread: How does this work?

  1. #1
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    Default How does this work?

    I need help with the following "Dime cuanto necesitas, amor".

    I think it means: How much do you need, love?

    For the use of the word love in this case (Venezuelan), is it romantic or familial love, or just a normal way to reply to the opposite ***. In other words may I infer that this person likes me or is he just being friendly, or can I tell?

    Thank you.

    P.S. I'm new to the forum, so if this is not an appropriate questions for this site, please let me know.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: How does this work?

    Cathy, You're right. It means "how much do you need, love?..."love" is a cute nickname, such as sweetie or "corazón", "mi cielo"... it could be that he is just being friendly because many people say things like that without meaning anything else...but also it could be that he likes you and he's trying to be nice...However, I wouldn’t take it as a real sign...

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