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Thread: Please help me? IM SO LOST. Spanish Verb Forms??!

  1. #1
    BNG is offline
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    Default Please help me? IM SO LOST. Spanish Verb Forms??!

    Please help me, I do not understand verbs in Spanish. Explanations also?

    Escribe la forma correcta del verbo en el pretérito en la oración en español:

    Yo __________ el desayuno a las ocho. (comer)

    Nosotros _____________ en la clase de música ayer. (baila)

    ¿Tú _______________ bien anoche? (dormir)

    Mi madre _____________ la ropa el sábado pasado. (lavar)

    Ellos _____________ a España en julio. (viajar)

    Ella ____________ la aspiradora ayer. (pasar)

    Which is the CORRECT way to say Im looking for?

    Estoy buscandolo.
    Estoy lo buscando.
    Lo estoy buscando.
    Last edited by BNG; 02-01-2010 at 03:56 PM.

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    Default Re: Please help me? IM SO LOST. Spanish Verb Forms??!


    It seems that you are learning Spanish, why don`t you go over your notes and have a try, then I'll help you.

    Regarding Looking for

    if you say LO estoy buscando, LO refers to the object, (i'm looking for it.) "LO" = "it"

    if you say ESTOY BUSCANDOLO it's correct as well. "LO" has been postponed. That's the only difference, but not in meaning.


    ESTOY LO BUSCANDO is incorrect.

  3. #3
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    I agree! Please look at your notes and your book before coming here for answers. It is not appropriate to fish for answers to your homework.

    So, because of that I won't answer your questions about the preterite. However, the response above about "Looking for" is correct, though tentatively explained.

    The direct object pronoun can be placed in one of 3 places in a sentence:

    #1 - ALWAYS before a conjugated veb. For example - I want it = Lo quiero. The ONLY place the direct object pronoun ("lo" in this case) can go is before the conjugated verb.

    #2 - After (attached to) the infinitive or present progressive form of the verb. For example, you could say "I need to look for the watch" and insted of repeating "watch" over and over again, you could use the direct object pronoun to replace it. So in this case it would be "lo" becuase "watch" = "reloj" which is masculine, singular and 3rd person. So in Spanish the sentence would read: "Necesito buscar el reloj" or "Necesito buscarlo"

    In your question you asked about the placement of the Direct Object pronoun in relation to the present progressive. In this case you can say "Estoy buscándolo" but you HAVE to mark the "a" in the "ando" part of the word with an accent whereas you don't have to with the infinitive usage in the previous example. (Please refer to the rules of accentuation in your textbook for an explanation.) But to avoid all accentuation errors completely, follow #3 below.

    #3 - BEFORE the conjugated verb when using the infinitive or present progressive. So it would be "Lo necesito buscar" or "Lo estoy buscando."

    So the correct answer to your question is "Lo estoy buscando" or "Estoy buscándolo" or "Lo busco" - literally they all mean the exact same thing. However in your question you only ask how to say "I am looking for" but then in your examples you give the Direct Object pronoun "lo" - but this only applies if what you are looking for is a masculine, singular, direct object. If not, please refer to the section of your textbook on "Direct objects" for further information.
    Last edited by gaoleen1; 02-01-2010 at 09:15 PM.

  4. #4
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    Post Re: Please help me? IM SO LOST. Spanish Verb Forms??!

    Hi BNG!

    I agree with both Diegonel and Gaoleen1. We're here to help you learn Spanish, but if we do your homework how can that help you?

    I see that you have the verbs after each sentence, it's only matter of conjugate them. It's easy, you can do it!
    And after that we can help you by correcting the mistakes.

  5. #5
    BNG is offline
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    Default Re: Please help me? IM SO LOST. Spanish Verb Forms??!

    Okay, I tried doing these on my own. Here is what I got...

    Yo COMO el desayuno a las ocho. (comer)

    Nosotros BAILAMOS en la clase de música ayer. (baila)

    ¿Tú DORMIRAS bien anoche? (dormir)

    Mi madre LAVADO la ropa el sábado pasado. (lavar)

    Ellos VIAJO a España en julio. (viajar)

    Ella PASA la aspiradora ayer. (pasar)

  6. #6
    Contributing User paulad's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please help me? IM SO LOST. Spanish Verb Forms??!

    I'll try to help you, as you gave it a try!!! See my comments in green...

    Yo COMO el desayuno a las ocho. (comer) INCORRECT (in my opinion, it should be "Yo comí el desayuno a las 8") It's pretérito perfecto simple, which means that the action is completed.)

    Nosotros BAILAMOS en la clase de música ayer. (baila) CORRECT

    ¿Tú DORMIRAS bien anoche? (dormir) INCORRECT (it should be "¿Tú dormiste bien anoche?". It's the same example as sentence 1.)

    Mi madre LAVADO la ropa el sábado pasado. (lavar) INCORRECT (Lavado is the participle, and it's not a fully conjugated verb. It should be "Mi madre lavó la ropa el sábado pasado".)

    Ellos VIAJO a España en julio. (viajar) INCORRECT (it should be "Ellos viajaron...", as viajó is the form for third person singular, which would be él or ella.)

    Ella PASA la aspiradora ayer. (pasar) INCORRECT (Pasa is presente del modo indicativo. And if you have ayer as adverb of time indicating past, it should be "Ella pasó la aspiradora ayer", Pretérito perfecto simple.)

    I hope I could help and that the explanation was clear...

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Please help me? IM SO LOST. Spanish Verb Forms??!

    Thank you very much paulad. VERY HELPFUL & gave good explanations so I can understand better. Just one more quick question.
    On this test I am taking the question states..

    Los Pinos is the home of the Mexican King.
    TRUE or FALSE?

    Los Pinos is the home of the Mexican President. Would I put true or false? As of right now I put false, because it is not the king it is the President.
    Your thoughts?

  8. #8
    Contributing User paulad's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please help me? IM SO LOST. Spanish Verb Forms??!

    You are right!! It's false, as Mexico has no king, only president check this link...


    Glad I could help!!!

  9. #9
    BNG is offline
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    Default Re: Please help me? IM SO LOST. Spanish Verb Forms??!

    Thank you very much.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Please help me? IM SO LOST. Spanish Verb Forms??!

    RE: el comentario de paulad: Yo COMO el desayuno a las ocho. (comer) INCORRECT (in my opinion, it should be "Yo comí el desayuno a las 8") It's pretérito perfecto simple, which means that the action is completed.)

    ¿No es posible que "Yo como el desayuno a las ocho" significa que todos los días es mi costumbre comer a las ocho?


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