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Thread: My translations are screwed up

  1. #1
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    Default My translations are screwed up

    I have been training my dogs in Spanish for 4 years. I spent 8 years in Spanish and was bi-lingual. However, a brain injury wiped it out. I now only remember bits when I get upset or really drugged in the hospital :-P

    I have had teachers from Cuba, Puerto Rico and Espana. So now I think the commands I am using I have mixed things up, or mixed tenses. If someone could help with the commands below and give me the correct ones:

    (Also, please excuse the lack of correct grammerical marks. I don't have my keyboard set up for them)

    Stay: Estancia
    Sit: Sientese
    Stop: Parada
    Down: Abajo
    Silence: Silencio
    Come here: Venido aqui!
    Up: Enima de
    Back: Parte posterior
    Lay down: Coloque
    Get up: Levantese
    Go to you house!: Vaya a su casa!
    Get down!: Consiga abajo
    Want to play?: Quiera jugar?
    Careful: Con cuidado
    Behave: Comportese
    Listen to me: Eschucha me
    Let's Go: Vanamos of Vamos

    I need command for UP as well.

    Please do not laugh at my translations. They are literally stuck in mind and I will pop out a phrase. I am hoping to restart classes soon to rewire my brain from the brain damage and get my spanish back. Hopefully no more waking up from surgery to find a spanish translator and I can't conciously speak it... *cry*

  2. #2
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    Thumbs up Re: My translations are screwed up

    ¡Hola Caia! // Hi Caia!

    Esta es mi pequeña ayuda: // This is my little help:

    Stay: Estancia ► 'Quieto'
    Sit: Sientese
    Stop: Parada ► 'Para' Me parece que 'parada' puede confundirse con 'stay' // Seems to me that 'parada' can be mixed up with 'stay'.
    Down: Abajo
    Silence: Silencio
    Come here: Venido aqui! ► '¡Venga aquí!'
    Up: Enima de ► ¿Sería lo contrario de 'abajo'? Entonces es 'arriba'. // It would be the opposite of 'abajo'? Then it's 'arriba'
    Back: Parte posterior
    Lay down: Coloque ► 'Acuestese'
    Get up: Levantese
    Go to you house!: Vaya a su casa!
    Get down!: Consiga abajo ► 'Agachese'
    Want to play?: Quiera jugar? ► '¿Quiere jugar?'
    Careful: Con cuidado
    Behave: Comportese
    Listen to me: Eschucha me ► 'Escuchame'
    Let's Go: Vanamos of Vamos ► 'Vamos'

    Espero que te sea de ayuda // Hope this could help you.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Dragona's Avatar
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    Default Re: My translations are screwed up

    Because I believe the relationship you have with your dogs, is a personal relationship, I don't think you are going to treat them with the proper "usted" words.
    So here is my take (cause I have pooches too) on personal spanish commands:

    Stay: Quieto
    Sit: Sientate
    Stop: Para
    Down: Bajate
    Silence: Silencio
    Come here: Ven
    Up: Sube
    Back: Atras o haste para atras
    Lay down: acuestate
    Get up: Levantate
    Go to you house!: Vete a tu casa!
    Get down!: Bajate
    Want to play?: Quieres jugar?
    Careful: Cuidado
    Behave: Comportate
    Listen to me: Eschuchame
    Let's Go: Vamos o Vamonos

    Hope this and other translations by other members jog your memory!
    Best wishes!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: My translations are screwed up

    Mucho gracias!

    I have gone to the next step myself and enrolled in some classes. I want to get back to where I was before. I LOVE the language! I am then going to learn my own Native American language (Choctaw). There aer some words that are VERY close but some major differences like what sound the CH makes.

    I can't thank all of you enough!! Lady Erith, my great dane, passed her test and is officially my service dog. Now I can correct her commands and take her with me in public.

    Now I just have to get the Siberian Husky to learn

  5. #5
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    Thumbs up Re: My translations are screwed up

    ¡De nada Caia! // You're welcome Caia!

    Los Siberian Husky son inteligentes, seguro que va a aprender. // Siberian Husky are intelligent, sure he will learn.

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