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Thread: Day of the Death?

  1. #1
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    Default Day of the Death?

    I need to write an essay about the Day of the Death.
    How do you say
    " They believe that there is another life after a person die" is it " Ellos creen que hay una vida otro luego una persona more" ?


    "Ellos creen sus ancestros siempre vidaba entre de las vidas" is that right? I want to say " They believe their ancestors always living among the livings"

    And also , how do you say

    They cook food that their ancestors like to eat when they were alive.
    They use candles because they think that the candles can bring the death and the livings together. Candles also help the deaths to find their way home.


  2. #2
    Senior Member MariaLaura's Avatar
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    Default Re: Day of the Death?

    hi zipy147!
    Let's see:

    They believe that there is another life after a person die" is it
    "(Ellos) creen que hay otra vida después de la muerte.

    They believe their ancestors always living among the livings"
    "(Ellos) Creen que sus ancestros siempre viven entre los vivos"

    They cook food that their ancestors like to eat when they were alive.
    They use candles because they think that the candles can bring the death and the livings together. Candles also help the deaths to find their way home.
    Preparan comidas que a sus ancestros les gustaba comer cuando estaban vivos. Encienden velas porque creen que las velas pueden juntar a los vivos y a los muertos. Además, las velas también ayudan a los muertos a encontrar su camino a casa.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Day of the Death?

    Quote Originally Posted by MariaLaura
    hi zipy147!
    Let's see:

    They believe that there is another life after a person die" is it
    "(Ellos) creen que hay otra vida después de la muerte.

    They believe their ancestors always living among the livings"
    "(Ellos) Creen que sus ancestros siempre viven entre los vivos"

    They cook food that their ancestors like to eat when they were alive.
    They use candles because they think that the candles can bring the death and the livings together. Candles also help the deaths to find their way home.
    Preparan comidas que a sus ancestros les gustaba comer cuando estaban vivos. Encienden velas porque creen que las velas pueden juntar a los vivos y a los muertos. Además, las velas también ayudan a los muertos a encontrar su camino a casa.

    Thank you so much!
    I have another quick question

    How do you say personal objects of the person who had died?
    I wrote
    " los objectos personales de la persona habia muerto"
    Is that correct?

  4. #4
    Senior Member MariaLaura's Avatar
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    Default Re: Day of the Death?

    mmm I think it's okay.. I've also heard "pertenencias"

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Day of the Death?

    Quote Originally Posted by MariaLaura
    mmm I think it's okay.. I've also heard "pertenencias"
    Alright, thank you

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