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Thread: i really need your help

  1. #1
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    Default i really need your help

    can u help translating me this letter please?

    In just few days i knew u have my heart. And i was scared because i didnt want my heart to be broken again. Every time when i looked into ur eyes i felt i can trust u, i felt that u feel the same as i do and i didnt know who should i thank to for having u in my life. I will never forget this beautiful moments with u, i will always charish this magical memories and i'm thankfull for every second spent in ur arms. I still remember every single word u said to me, all this sweet words made me soo happy. I can still feel ur kisses on my lips.
    But every fairy tale have an end right…and i'm hurt again. It's just that u said u will tell me if something happen, if u dont want to continue anymore,but u never did. I just want to know the truth,even if it hurts, because unknowing what's wrong and making my own stories in my head is the most painful thing.
    I really thought i finally found a person who is honest, sencire, who will never hurt me, but i guess i was wrong.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: i really need your help

    Such a sad letter And kind of reminds me about something. Anyways, I would suggest a native checking it because I had problems in couple of places with subjuntivo. In one place I wasn't sure on how to use it.

    En solo unos dias sabia que tenias a mi corazon. Y tenia miedo porque no queria tener el corazon roto otra vez. Cada vez cuando miraba a tus ojos sabia que podia confiar en ti, que tu sentias lo mismo que yo. No sabia a quien dar las gracias por tenerte en mi vida.

    Nunca olvidare estos momentos preciosos que pase contigo. Siempre mantendre en mi mente estos momentos magicos y estoy agradecido por cada minuto que pase en tus brazos. Recuerdo cada palabra que me dijiste y todas las palabras que me hicieron tan feliz. Todavia siento tus besos en mis labios.

    Pero cada cuento tiene su final... y estoy herido otra vez. Me dijiste que me (said u will tell me if something happen, if u dont want to continue anymore) pero nunca lo hiciste. Yo solo quiero saber la verdad, aunque me duela. Es peor no saber que paso y tener mis cuenots en mi cabeza. Esto duele demasiado.

    Pense que habia encontrado una persona honesta y sincera que nunca me va a hacer dano. Pero estaba equivocado.

    Good luck!
    Last edited by gwynethmarta; 10-09-2009 at 05:46 AM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: i really need your help

    thank you so much!

  4. #4
    Contributing User gise1984's Avatar
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    Default Re: i really need your help

    Me dijiste que me (said u will tell me if something happen, if u dont want to continue anymore) pero nunca lo hiciste.

    I hope I'm not too late but let me translate that sentence! I would say:

    "Me dijiste que me harías saber si algo pasaba, si no querías continuar con esto, pero nunca lo hiciste."

    And in regards to this one:
    Es peor no saber que paso y tener mis cuenots en mi cabeza. Esto duele demasiado
    , I would say something like:

    "Es mucho mas doloroso no saber que pasó, e imaginar cosas en mi mente que no son ciertas."

    I hope this helps! The rest is good in my opinion =)

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