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Thread: My Spanish fails me.

  1. #1
    Forum User
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    Default My Spanish fails me.

    Received the following sentence in an email. I am having trouble making sense of this, especially the "estoy le soy".

    Estoy le soy sincera anoche, extrañe escuchar su voz,

    Was wondering is anyone could help me please? Thanks

  2. #2
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    Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA
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    Default Re: My Spanish fails me.

    Hi, I think there's a mistake in the email. The person must have meant to say:

    "Le soy sincera, anoche extrañé escuchar su voz", meaning:

    I tell you the truth, I missed (wanted to) listen to your voice last night

    Hope it helps


  3. #3
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    Default Re: My Spanish fails me.

    Thank you so much Olgamar. When we are low-level with the language, spelling and grammar mistakes make if hard for us.

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