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Thread: Frases Ingles/Español 3

  1. #1
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    Default Frases Ingles/Español 3

    Estoy corriendo el riesgo de ser un poco "cansino" pero el hecho de escribirlas aquí solamente ya es una ayuda, ya que me permite estar activo en esta tarea.

    ¿Estarían bien traducidas las siguientes frases?

    “Yo creo que el truco está en repetir muchas veces la frase hasta interiorizar las reglas gramaticales.”
    “I believe the trick is on repeat many times the sentence until you make internal the grammar rules”

    “Este signo es el conjunto vacío”
    “This sign is the empty set”

    “Mañana se irá un compañero de clase a Italia”
    “A classmate is setting off to Italia tomorrow”

    “¿De que estuvo hablando el professor cuando me fui ayer?”
    “What was the teacher talking of when I went yesterday?”

    “Unos dias despues de llegar a Londres, vi a un punk trabajando en el metro de Londres con su uniforme.”
    “Quite a few days after I arrived in London, I saw a punk working in the
    underground of London with his uniform”.

    “Qué tendría que pasar para que fueras a la opera?”
    What should it happen in order you went to the opera?
    What should it happen for that you would go to the opera?

    “Se habría caído si se hubiese mirado en el escaparate”
    “She would have fallen if she had seen in the showcase”

    “Iba a ir a por un café cuando me encontré con Juan.”
    “I was going to take a coffe when I met with John”

    “Se dice que los camareros son unos buenos psicoanalistas”
    “It’s say that waiters are a good psychoanalists”
    “Waiters is said to be a good psychoanalists”

    “Iba en el coche tranquilamente cuando un deportivo me paso como una bala”
    “I was driving in my car when a sport car overtook like a bullet”

    “Yo usaría el diccionario, aunque es más duro de usar, pero al final es mejor.”
    “I should use the dictionary although it’s harder of using, but it’s better in the end”.

    “Iva a cruzar la carretera, cuando de repente, alguien grito:”¡cuidado!”.
    “I was going to cross the road, when someone suddenly shout:”Look out!”

    “Cuando termine de usar la tabla de planchar, la dejo donde estaba”
    “When I finish using the ironning board, I leave it where it was.”

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Frases Ingles/Español 3

    Quote Originally Posted by riper
    Estoy corriendo el riesgo de ser un poco "cansino" pero el hecho de escribirlas aquí solamente ya es una ayuda, ya que me permite estar activo en esta tarea.

    ¿Estarían bien traducidas las siguientes frases?

    “Yo creo que el truco está en repetir muchas veces la frase hasta interiorizar las reglas gramaticales.”
    “I believe the trick is on repeating many times the sentence until you make internalize the grammar rulesIN ENGLISH I BELIEVE "RULES" COULD BE IMPLIED.

    “Este signo es el conjunto vacío” NOT SURE OF THE CONTEXT
    “This sign is the empty set”

    “Mañana se irá un compañero de clase a Italia”
    “A classmate is setting off for Italy tomorrow”

    “¿De que estuvo hablando el professor cuando me fui ayer?”
    “What was the teacher talking about when I left yesterday?”

    “Unos dias despues de llegar a Londres, vi a un punk trabajando en el metro de Londres con su uniforme.”
    Quite A few days after I arrived in London, I saw a punk working in the
    underground of London with/in his uniform”.

    “Qué tendría que pasar para que fueras a la opera?”
    What would have to happen for you to go to the opera?
    What should it happen for that you would go to the opera?

    “Se habría caído si se hubiese mirado en el escaparate”
    “S/he would have fallen if s/he had looked seen in the showcase”

    “Iba a ir a por un café cuando me encontré con Juan.”
    “I was going to take for a coffee when I met with John”

    “Se dice que los camareros son unos buenos psicoanalistas”
    “It’s say said that waiters are a good psychoanalists”
    “Waiters is are said to be a good psychoanalists”

    “Iba en el coche tranquilamente cuando un deportivo me paso como una bala”
    “I was driving calmly in my car when a sports car overtook/passed me like a bullet”

    “Yo usaría el diccionario, aunque es más duro de usar, pero al final es mejor.”
    “I should use the dictionary although it’s more difficult to use harder of using, but it’s better in the end/'in the long run'”. AS SUGGESTED BY THOMAS

    Iva? Iba a cruzar la carretera, cuando de repente, alguien grito:”¡cuidado!”.
    “I was going to cross the road, when someone suddenly shouted:”Look out!”

    “Cuando termine de usar la tabla de planchar, la dejo donde estaba”
    “When I finish using the ironing board, I leave it where it was.”
    en Indiana
    Last edited by penningdcp; 07-24-2009 at 11:28 AM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Frases Ingles/Español 3

    “Yo creo que el truco está en repetir muchas veces la frase hasta interiorizar las reglas gramaticales.”
    “I believe/think the trick is to repeat (in repeating) the sentence many times until you master the grammar rules.”
    ("To think" is often the equivalent of "creer".)

    “Iba a ir a por un café cuando me encontré con Juan.”
    “I was going (going out) for a coffee when I came across (ran across, bumped into, saw, met) John”
    (It may be more common to hear "a cup of coffee" or "some coffee" rather than merely "a coffee". I'm not saying that "a coffee" is wrong, merely that the other two forms sound more colloquial to me.)

    “Se dice que los camareros son unos buenos psicoanalistas”
    “It’s said that waiters are good psychoanalists”
    (No need for "a".)

    “Yo usaría el diccionario, aunque es más duro de usar, pero al final es mejor.”
    “I would use the dictionary although it’s harder to use, but it’s better in the end (the long run)”.

    “Cuando termine de usar la tabla de planchar, la dejo donde estaba”
    “When I finish using the ironing board, I will leave it where it was.”
    (You are talking about a future action. You have not finished using it yet. After you finish using it, you WILL leave it where it was. In Spanish "dejo" is vivid future (the present indicative used to indicate something that will happen immediately), but in English you normally use the future tense and that will require "will" or "shall". If you were talking about a routine or repetitive action, you would say "Cuando termino". In that case, "I leave it" is fine because you are talking about a routine or repetitive action, not a future action. "I often use an ironing board. After I use it, I leave it where it was.")

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Frases Ingles/Español 3

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas
    “Yo creo que el truco está en repetir muchas veces la frase hasta interiorizar las reglas gramaticales.”
    “I believe/think the trick is to repeat (in repeating) the sentence many times until you master the grammar rules.”
    ("To think" is often the equivalent of "creer".)

    “Iba a ir a por un café cuando me encontré con Juan.”
    “I was going (going out) for a coffee when I came across (ran across, bumped into, saw, met) John”
    (It may be more common to hear "a cup of coffee" or "some coffee" rather than merely "a coffee". I'm not saying that "a coffee" is wrong, merely that the other two forms sound more colloquial to me.)

    “Se dice que los camareros son unos buenos psicoanalistas”
    “It’s said that waiters are good psychoanalists”
    (No need for "a".)

    “Yo usaría el diccionario, aunque es más duro de usar, pero al final es mejor.”
    “I would use the dictionary although it’s harder to use, but it’s better in the end (the long run)”.

    “Cuando termine de usar la tabla de planchar, la dejo donde estaba”
    “When I finish using the ironing board, I will leave it where it was.”
    (You are talking about a future action. You have not finished using it yet. After you finish using it, you WILL leave it where it was. In Spanish "dejo" is vivid future (the present indicative used to indicate something that will happen immediately), but in English you normally use the future tense and that will require "will" or "shall". If you were talking about a routine or repetitive action, you would say "Cuando termino". In that case, "I leave it" is fine because you are talking about a routine or repetitive action, not a future action. "I often use an ironing board. After I use it, I leave it where it was.")
    Hi, thanks very much. Specially for the explications.

    I believe that this sentence could be translate like:

    “Qué tendría que pasar para que fueras a la opera?”
    "What would there be to happen for that you would go to the opera?"

    would it be correct?


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Frases Ingles/Español 3

    In the vernacular: What would it take for you to go to the opera?
    or What would have to happen for you to go to the opera?

    "explications' = explanations

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