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Thread: Sad letter translation

  1. #1
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    Default Sad letter translation

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    Last edited by diglazarus; 07-09-2009 at 10:58 AM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Sad letter translation

    Hi Ben, I will try to help

    Quote Originally Posted by diglazarus
    Hi there,

    I recently split up with my Spanish girlfriend, I would like to write a letter to her family. Would anybody mind translating a small letter into Spanish. I don't feel confident enough to do it. Its a depressing letter so sorry in advance!

    This is what I need translating into Spanish:


    You will be aware what has happened between xx and me and I just wanted to write to you to express my gratitude for letting me stay at your house and providing so much for me. You were both very kind and I owe you a lot.

    Seguramente Uds. saben lo que pasó entre xx y yo, y sólo quería escribirles para expresarles mi gratitud por hospedarme y atenderme en vuestra casa. Fueron ambos muy amables y les debo un montón.

    I feel bad for xx especially the way we split up, in hindsight of course I should have spoken to her face to face but I cannot change anything now, I snapped in the phone conversation I had with her and let my feelings out when I should have hold on to them and waited to tell her face to face.

    Me siento mal respecto de xx especialmente por la forma de nuestra ruptura, viéndolo a la distancia por supuesto yo debería haber hablado personalmente, pero no puedo cambiar nada ahora, perdí la calma en la conversación telefónica que tuvimos y no medí mis emociones, cuando en realidad yo debería haber sido más calmo y haber hablado con ella,

    xx, I am not sure if any of my belongings are still at your mum’s house but I am happy to collect them all if that’s ok? I know xx, understandably doesn’t want to talk to me so maybe its best if I came without her knowledge? However, I understand if this is not the best thing to do.

    xx, no sé si algunas cosas mías están todavía en casa de tu mami, pero paso a retirarlas si te parece bien? Entiendo que xx no quiera hablar conmigo, quizás sería mejor que yo pasara sin que ella lo sepa? Con todo, entiendo que no es lo mejor.

    Thanks again for everything though, like I said I appreciate everything you have done for me and I will never forget it. I intend to keep up the Spanish. It’s a shame it finished like it did.

    Gracias una vez más por todo, nunca olvidaré lo que hicieron por mí, trataré de seguir con mi español, es una pena que haya terminado así

    Kind Regards,

    Muchos saludos
    xx "


    I would be ever so grateful to anybody that can help me out.

    Kind regards,

  3. #3
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    Many thanks for your translation, I owe you big time . Although I can understand Spanish I really didn't feel confident enough to write a letter without making a fool of myself.


  4. #4
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sad letter translation

    Just one comment... I think the use of if here is important.

    However, I understand if this is not the best thing to do
    Sin embargo, comprendería si ésta no es la mejor forma de hacerlo.

    Great translation, olgamar.
    Last edited by SandraT; 07-08-2009 at 01:51 PM.
    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
    Trygve Halvdan Lie

  5. #5
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    Yeah, it was a great translation, thanks for that slight correction Sandra.

  6. #6
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