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Thread: Please help in translating

  1. #11
    Forum User copelandci's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please help in translating

    Thank you SandraT, offense taken. I am willing to accept that I am wrong, as I said I have learned enough about Spanish to know that there are so many variations, ways of saying things, demographics, and even just slang way to say things, and again I thank you for your Critique, as I believe this is the best way to learn.

  2. #12
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please help in translating

    Hi copelandci,
    You did not offend me in any way. I was the one who was afraid I was rude and maybe you got offended. Please, count on us to improve your language. we are all here to exchange and help each others. I can also learn from you!
    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
    Trygve Halvdan Lie

  3. #13
    Forum User copelandci's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please help in translating

    Sorry I type faster than I think I meant NO offense taken.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Please help in translating

    Quote Originally Posted by SandraT
    I'm very sorry for this. I read the wrong post. Unlike many other people, I know and acknowledge when I make a mistake.

    Regarding this, you are absolutely wrong. I was just defending my version in a translation and since this is a forum for many users where everyone learns and exchanges (and reads all the posts), we must be clear and defend our versions, when we believe they are right (because others learn from them too), if not, then we apologize and instead of being sensitive about it, take it as another experience, something to learn from.
    And I was explaining my version of the translation, not to show off or offend anyone, only to get feedback from others and share ideas.

    There are numerous ways and styles of translating the same passage due to all the synonyms and grammatical rules that exist in all languages. I find it interesting to see how different people translate the same passage, and it helps me get new ideas for future translations. No offense taken on my part and I apologize if I may have offended you.

  5. #15
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    only to get feedback from others and share ideas.
    that's the spirit, sepahunt22. no offense whatsoever. I'll be happy to "see" you and share with you in other threads!
    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
    Trygve Halvdan Lie

  6. #16
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    Default Re: Please help in translating

    Quote Originally Posted by Sepahunt22 View Post
    ¡Hola mi novia hermosa! ¿Como es Mexico y todas las fiestas? Piensas que puedes beber mucho pero nosotros dos sabemos que yo bebo muchísimo más que tu. Dormir encima de ese árbol me molestó el cuello, está tan tieso. Apenas puedo moverlo. Fue una fiesta loca...no he bailado tan bueno nunca en la vida, fue muy divertido. Te extraño más con cada día que pasa, estoy ansioso por tenerte en mis brazos otra vez. Estaré alli pronto. Eres tan hermosa....veo tu cara cuando cierro mis ojos, ¿sabes? Acabo de comprar el curso Rosetta Stone, niveles 4-5, pronto aprenderé. Te amo más que la vida sí misma, eres la mujer más especial del mundo y yo haría cualquier cosa para ti (con la excepción de llevar tu cartera, puesto que es algo afeminado). Ni siquiera mencionaré la otra cosa....shh, esa queda entre tu y yo, mi reina latina.
    Nice translation ,guy! I think you are really a good Rosetta Stone Spanish learner !As a large number of people are speaking Spanish, Spanish culture must spread by it to the whole world too.You will get more things that others don’t have.
    Last edited by ytuetw; 11-15-2011 at 05:20 AM.

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