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Thread: Online Shopping terminology

  1. #1
    New Member David&Nieves's Avatar
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    Default Online Shopping terminology

    [moved from another category]

    We are currently translating a shopping cart language pack from English to Spanish for our new website. We have been getting on quite well - but are stuck on a few phrases. We would be extremely happy and thankful if anybody can help out.

    Thanks in advance. Here are the tricky/unknown/guessed phrases:

    - "Form Field" (as in a text input area on a website - forma campo?)
    - "Field" (as above - campo?)
    - "RRP" (Recommended retail price - is there an acronym that is commonly understood in Spanish?)
    - "Homepage" (pagina de inicio/inicio?)
    - "Checkout" (is there a well used/accepted term for this in Spanish?)
    - "Start Checkout"
    - "Checkout Login"
    - "In Stock" (existencias?)
    - "Stock levels"
    - "Basket" (cesta/carrito/bolsa?)
    - "mailing list" (eg to send weekly information about special offers, etc)
    - "Web site Builder/Department Builder" ("Builder" is the word we're not sure about - constructor?)
    - "Check Box"
    - "Text Area"
    - "Input Box"
    - "Orphan products" (i.e. they don't have a parent product)
    - "plain" (...as in not HTML but text only email - texto?)
    - "Trade Customer" (somebody you -venta- stock to for them to -venta- to other people)

    Big thanks to anybody who can help us out!
    We will PM a discount voucher for the store if you can help!

    David & Nieves

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Online Shopping terminology

    - "Form Field" Campo de Formulario.

    - "Field" Campo.

    - "RRP" (Recommended retail price - is there an acronym that is commonly understood in Spanish?) <- I don't have any idea, sorry .

    - "Homepage" It can be "Inicio" or "Página de Inicio".

    - "In Stock" En existencia or En bodega.

    - "Basket" It depends :P of the Image you use, it can be a "Carrito" or "Cesta"

    - "mailing list" Lista de correo.

    - "Web site Builder/Department Builder"
    Web site builder = Webmaster? Administrador

    - "Check Box" Casilla. (Don't remember if this are the square, but if don't -and it's circular- then it's better to put "Opciones")

    - "Text Area" Area de texto.

    - "Input Box" Cuadro de Texto.

    - "Orphan products" It could be "Otras productos" or literally "Productos sin categoria"

    - "plain" Texto Plano.

    - "Trade Customer" Well,... It could be "Vendedores" or maybe "Puntos de Venta"

    Espero te sirva

  3. #3
    Forum User copelandci's Avatar
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    Default Re: Online Shopping terminology

    kokomon Hit it, Great job!

    Last edited by Administrator; 07-01-2009 at 04:11 PM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Online Shopping terminology

    Form field-> espacio para completar.
    Field-> espacio.
    Homepage-> página de inico.
    Checkout-> caja.
    Start Checkout-> comience el pago.
    Checkout Login-> ingreso a la caja.
    In Stock-> En depósito. (al menos aquí en Latinoamérica)
    Stock Levels-> Niveles de provisiones/Niveles de reservas.
    Basket-> Cesta/Carro o Carrito/Bolsa.
    Mailing List-> Lista de correo.
    Web site Builder/Departament Builder-> Desarrollador web/Constructor de departamento.
    Check Box-> cuadro de chequeo.
    Text Area-> Área de texto.
    Input Box-> Caja de entrada.
    Orphan Products-> Productos discontinuos.
    Plain Text-> Solo texto.

    Yo no recuerdo un acronismo para lo que aquí llamamos "precio acordado" entre un fabricante y su distribuidor.
    Si necesitan más ayuda, por favor contáctenme. Gracias.

    I can't find an acronyms for what we call "agreed price" between a maker and a dealer.
    If you need more help,please contact me. Thanks.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Online Shopping terminology

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Online Shopping terminology

    About In Stock , the Diccionario panhisp&#225;nico de dudas says the following:

    stock. Voz inglesa que se usa con cierta frecuencia en espa&#241;ol con los sentidos de ‘cantidad de mercanc&#237;as que se tienen en dep&#243;sito’ y, en general, ‘cantidad de algo disponible para uso futuro’. Aunque est&#225; bastante extendido en el lenguaje comercial, es anglicismo evitable, ya que, con el primer sentido, puede sustituirse por la voz espa&#241;ola existencias, o por expresiones como mercanc&#237;as almacenadas o en dep&#243;sito: &#171;Ya me estoy viendo a los de la destiler&#237;a trabajando a todo trapo por falta de existencias&#187; (Sierra Regreso [Esp. 1995]); &#171;Las mayores atribuciones [...] que la ley penal tributaria le otorg&#243; a ese organismo les habr&#237;a complicado la posibilidad de tener mercader&#237;a en dep&#243;sito sin justificaci&#243;n&#187; (Naci&#243;n [Arg.] 5.7.92); y, para el segundo sentido, existe el t&#233;rmino espa&#241;ol reservas: &#171;Las reservas de petr&#243;leo en Estados Unidos cayeron en m&#225;s de 6,5 millones de barriles&#187; (Universal [Ven.] 12.9.96).

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