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Thread: Please help me with my spanish -english translation

  1. #1
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    Default Please help me with my spanish -english translation

    1) Sus equipos de comunicación e intercepción son , en muchos casos, más navanzados que los de las autoridades mexicanas. las operaciones de llavado de dinero son cuidadosamente planificades y muy pocas han sido detectades hasta la fecha.

    2) Se estima que dos tercios de la cocaína que se consume en Estados Unidos pasa a través de la frontera con México. La cifra podría haberse incrementado en los últimos años por la desparación del cartel de Cali y las recientes detenciones de operadores de los carteles en el sur del estado de Florida.

    I have to tranlate the two small paragraphs that are written above. I have tried to translate some of it, but unfortunately i ran into some problems in text 2 - could anyone please see if i have translated the first text correctly and help me with text two?

    ''their communicating equipments (e intercepción ???) are in many cases highly advanced just like the equipments owned by the Mexican authority. The blackmailing operations are planned carefully and they have only been 'discovered/spotted' a few times till this day today''

    Best regards

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Please help me with my spanish -english translation

    In (1) isn't it supposed to be 'avanzados' instead of 'navanzados' and 'lavado' instead of 'llavado'?

    I'm still learning Spanish but I would translate the first passage as

    "Their communication and interception equipment is in many cases more advanced than that of the Mexican authorities. The money laundering operations are carefully planned and very few have been detected after the fact."

    "It's estimated that two-thirds of the cocaine that is consumed in the United States passes through the border with Mexico. The amount will have increased in the last few years because of the disappearance (se escrito desaparación, no desparación) of the Cali cartel and the recent arrests of cartel operators in south Florida."

    Hope that helps.

  3. #3
    Registered User turissa's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please help me with my spanish -english translation

    Quote Originally Posted by jwbales
    In (1) isn't it supposed to be 'avanzados' instead of 'navanzados' and 'lavado' instead of 'llavado'?

    I'm still learning Spanish but I would translate the first passage as

    "Their communication and interception equipment is in many cases more advanced than that of the Mexican authorities. The money laundering operations are carefully planned and very few have been detected to date."

    "It's estimated that two-thirds of the cocaine that is consumed in the United States passes through the border with Mexico. The amount could have increased in the last few years because of/due to the disappearance (se escrito desaparación, no desparación) of the Cali cartel and the recent arrests of cartel operators in south Florida."

    Hope that helps.
    Tu traducción me parece perfecta, solo una pequeñas puntualizaciones.

    Saludos, t.
    Last edited by turissa; 06-23-2009 at 05:37 PM.

  4. #4
    Forum User sweetcamy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please help me with my spanish -english translation

    Hi, here's another possible version:

    "In many cases, their communication and interception equipments more advanced than the ones of the Mexican authorities. Money laundering operations are carefully planned and very few have been detected so far/until now/up to now/by now."

    "It's estimated that two-thirds of the cocaine consumed in the United States passes through the border with Mexico. This amount could have increased in the last few years because of/due to/for/owing to the disappearance of the Cali cartel and the recent arrests/detentions of cartel operators in the south of Florida."

    In English, articles are not as used as in Spanish, so I think they can be omitted at the moment of the translation. Remember, English redaction is shorter and less "connected" than Spanish redaction, so they use short sentences.


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