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Thread: Hello~~ Just requesting some help.

  1. #1
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    Default Hello~~ Just requesting some help.

    Recently I have been assigned this task to find 25 facts on Argentina and to translate those facts into Spanish. Unfortunately, I lack knowledge in the field of Spanish language and would like to request some help to some experts.

    I am just required to translate the texts below into Spanish. If any kind soul could help me out I would deeply appreciate it.

    Thanks again~~

    ps. I have somewhat attempted a translation in the parenthesis.

    Argentina is located in the southwestern part of South America.
    (La Argentina es en la parte al sudoeste de Suramérica)
    Argentina is one of the most culturally rich, fascinating countries on the continent.
    (La Argentina es uno de los paises lo mas cultural posible ricos, fascinadores en el continente.)

    Argentina is home to nearly 40 million people.
    (La Argentina es 40 millones de personas.)

    The official language is Spanish.
    (La lengua oficial es español.)

    It has a unique history.
    (Tiene una historia única.)

    It is believed that Argentina was inhabited 13,000 years ago.
    (Se cree que la Argentina fue habitada hace 13.000 años. )

    Argentina, during the 1800s, were involved in the slave trade.

    Argentina continued to grow and prosper well into the twentieth century becoming one of the richest countries in the world.

    During the Dirty War, Argentinean's were resilient and strong.

    Argentina people were heavily dominated by the Europeans.
    (A los europeos dominó a la gente de la Argentina pesadamente.)

    The history of Argentina has been heavily influenced by European art, architecture,
    literature and lifestyle.
    (La historia de la Argentina ha sido influenciada pesadamente por el arte europeo, arquitectura, )

    Argentina is the place that discovered and made tango into the famous dance that it is today.
    (La Argentina es el lugar que descubrió e hizo tango en la danza famosa que es hoy.)

    Argentina has a liveliness and electrifying atmosphere.

    Many famous tango singers were born in Argentina.
    (Muchos cantantes famosos del tango nacieron en la Argentina.)

    There are many great Monuments to see.
    (Hay muchos grandes monumentos a ver.)

    Argentina cherishes a long tradition producing top quality wines.
    (La Argentina acaricia una larga tradición produciendo los vinos de calidad superior.)

    The Argentinean wine industry has become one of the most exciting things in the entire world.

    Argentinean wines produced from the fabulous Malbec grape variety, are some of the best values in the world today.

    Touring Argentinean wine country is a breathtaking experience.
    (Viajar el país de vino argentino es una experiencia impresionante.)
    The Argentine wine industry is the fifth leading producer of wine in the world.

    Argentina is a wonderful place to attend college.
    (La Argentina es un lugar maravilloso para atender a la universidad.)

    Its universities are of a high quality.
    (Sus universidades están de una alta calidad..)

    Its people are famously friendly.
    (Su gente es famoso amistosa.)

    Universities offer great education as well as high quality food.
    (Las universidades ofrecen la gran educación así como el alimento de la alta calidad.)


    Many professors are also known to help students after school.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Hello~~ Just requesting some help.

    anyone want to help?

  3. #3
    Contributing User
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    Talking Re: Hello~~ Just requesting some help.

    Argentina está localizada al Suroeste de América del Sur.

    En el continente, Argentina es uno de los países más facinantes y de mayor riqueza cultural.

    La lengua oficial es el Español. (El idioma oficial es el Español is also correct).

    Su historia es única (Tiene una historia única / correct).

    Se cree que la Argentina fue habitada hace 13,000 años (correct, here you may use an article since Argentina stands for the territory rather than the country. When refferring to the country there's no need to use an article since it is a proper name.

    Durante el Siglo XIX, se ejercía la esclavitud en Argentina.

    El desarrollo y la prosperidad de Argentina continuaron creciendo ya avanzado el Siglo XX convirtiéndose en uno de los países más ricos del mundo.

    My Project has just arrived. I’ll continue helping you later on. Sorry. (You’re doing fine).

  4. #4
    Forum User
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    Default Re: Hello~~ Just requesting some help.

    Quote Originally Posted by skssk24
    anyone want to help?
    Hi, here's my attempt

    Quote Originally Posted by skssk24
    Recently I have been assigned this task to find 25 facts on Argentina and to translate those facts into Spanish. Unfortunately, I lack knowledge in the field of Spanish language and would like to request some help to some experts.

    I am just required to translate the texts below into Spanish. If any kind soul could help me out I would deeply appreciate it.

    Thanks again~~

    ps. I have somewhat attempted a translation in the parenthesis.

    Argentina is located in the southwestern part of South America.
    (La Argentina es en la parte al sudoeste de Suramérica)
    Artentina está ubicada al sudoeste de América del Sur (which is not true, it lies in the southeastern part)

    Argentina is one of the most culturally rich, fascinating countries on the continent.
    (La Argentina es uno de los paises lo mas cultural posible ricos, fascinadores en el continente.)

    Argentina es, culturalmente, uno de los países más ricos y fascinantes del continente.

    Argentina is home to nearly 40 million people.
    (La Argentina es 40 millones de personas.)
    Argentina tiene una población de 40 millones de personas

    The official language is Spanish.
    (La lengua oficial es español.) ok

    It has a unique history.
    (Tiene una historia única.) ok

    It is believed that Argentina was inhabited 13,000 years ago.
    (Se cree que la Argentina fue habitada hace 13.000 años. ) ok

    Argentina, during the 1800s, were involved in the slave trade.
    Durante el siglo xix hubo en Argentina tráfico de esclavos

    Argentina continued to grow and prosper well into the twentieth century becoming one of the richest countries in the world.
    Argentina continuó creciendo y prosperó durante el siglo XX, convirtiéndose en uno de los países más ricos del mundo (I don't believe this is true, anyway...)

    During the Dirty War, Argentinean's were resilient and strong.
    Durante la guerra sucia, el pueblo argentino demostró ser fuerte y resistente

    Argentina people were heavily dominated by the Europeans.
    (A los europeos dominó a la gente de la Argentina pesadamente.)
    Los argentinos fueron fuertemente dominados por los europeos

    The history of Argentina has been heavily influenced by European art, architecture,
    literature and lifestyle.
    (La historia de la Argentina ha sido influenciada pesadamente por el arte europeo, arquitectura, )
    ...influenciada fuertemente por el arte, la arquitectura, la literatura y el estilo de vida europeos.

    Argentina is the place that discovered and made tango into the famous dance that it is today.
    (La Argentina es el lugar que descubrió e hizo tango en la danza famosa que es hoy.)
    Argentina es la cuna del tango, y donde esta danza se hizo famosa.

    Argentina has a liveliness and electrifying atmosphere.
    I'd say this is difficult to understand even in English, what does it mean?

    Many famous tango singers were born in Argentina.
    (Muchos cantantes famosos del tango nacieron en la Argentina.) ok

    There are many great Monuments to see.
    (Hay muchos grandes monumentos a ver.)
    .... importantes monumentos para ver

    Argentina cherishes a long tradition producing top quality wines.
    (La Argentina acaricia una larga tradición produciendo los vinos de calidad superior.)
    La Argentina ostenta una larga tradición produciendo vinos de calidad superior.

    The Argentinean wine industry has become one of the most exciting things in the entire world.
    I don't get the meaning in English

    Argentinean wines produced from the fabulous Malbec grape variety, are some of the best values in the world today.
    Los vinos argentinos producidos a partir de la cepa Malbec están entre los mejores del mundo.

    Touring Argentinean wine country is a breathtaking experience.
    (Viajar el país de vino argentino es una experiencia impresionante.)
    I wouldn't say that Argentina is a wine country, again, what does it mean?

    The Argentine wine industry is the fifth leading producer of wine in the world.
    La industria vitivinícola argentina se ubica en el quinto lugar en el mundo como productora de vinos.

    Argentina is a wonderful place to attend college.
    (La Argentina es un lugar maravilloso para atender a la universidad.)
    La Argentina es un lugar maravilloso para ir a la universidad.

    Its universities are of a high quality.
    (Sus universidades son de alta calidad académica

    Its people are famously friendly.
    Su gente tiene fama de amistosa

    Universities offer great education as well as high quality food.
    (Las universidades ofrecen la gran educación así como el alimento de la alta calidad.)
    Las universidades ofrecen educación de alto nivel, así como comidas de alta calidad.


    Many professors are also known to help students after school.
    Muchos profesores ayudan a sus alumnos despues de la clase

    Hope this helps!


  5. #5
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello~~ Just requesting some help.

    Here is an option - hope it helps

    Argentina has a liveliness and electrifying atmosphere.

    En argentina el ambiente está lleno de emoción y energía vibrante

    Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: Hello~~ Just requesting some help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hebe
    Here is an option - hope it helps

    Argentina has a liveliness and electrifying atmosphere.

    En argentina el ambiente está lleno de emoción y energía vibrante
    Hey Hebe, me encanta. No es una traducción literal pero plasma muy bien la idea.

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