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Thread: Can someone check this list(for spanish class)

  1. #1
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    Default Can someone check this list(for spanish class)

    I know, its a lot, but id be a great help if someone could check this. Its just a pretent menu for spanish class. Im mainly concered with the order of the adjectives, but if you could check the whole thing thad be great.


    Jumbo Shrimp------------------------Camaron Grande
    Scallops with Coleslaw----------------Veneras con Ensalada de Col
    Clam Platter--------------------------Fuente de Almejas
    Lobster Platter-----------------------Fuente de Langosta
    Crab Legs----------------------------Piernas de Cangrejo
    Seafood Platter----------------------Fuente de Mariscos

    Pasta:------------------------------ Las Pastas

    Alfredo Linguini---------------------- Linguini de Alfredo
    Alfredo Linguini with Shrimp---------- Linguini de Alfredo con Camarón
    Fettuccine Linguini------------------Linguini de Tallarines Finos
    Clam Linguini------------------------ Pescar Almejas Linguini


    Manderin Orange Salad---------------Ensalada Naranja Manderin
    Chinese Chicken Salad---------------Ensalada China de Pollo
    Orange Chicken Salad----------------Ensalada Anaranjada de Pollo
    Spinach Salad----------------------- Ensalada de Espinaca

    Meat entree------------------------Entrada de Carne

    Chicken Kabob---------------------- Pincho de Pollo
    Orange Chicken Plate--------------- Plato de Anaranjada de Pollo
    Pork Tenderloin---------------------- Lomo de Puerco
    Chicken Wings-----------------------Alas de Pollo


    Strawberry Smoothie----------------Zalamero de Fresa
    Pineapple Smoothie----------------- Zalamera de Piña
    Peach Tea-------------------------- Té de Melocotón
    Chai Tea -----------------------------Té de Chai


    Apple Pie------------------------------Pastel de Manzana
    Blueberry Pie-------------------------Pastel de Arándano
    Cheese Cake-------------------------Bizcocho de Queso
    Fruit Tart----------------------------Tarta de Fruita
    Ice Cream---------------------------Helado

  2. #2
    Senior Member Veronica's Avatar
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    You know I live in Argentina (Spanish speakers) and we say Cheese Cake anyway.
    You need to recheck the "Naranja/Anaranjado", because anaranjado is the adjective.

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