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Thread: after five years

  1. #1
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    Default after five years

    Please, would you give me a hand with this simple sentence

    Context: An employee is given a car, as a perquisite. He or she can buy it after five years from the moment she was given it. How can I express that using "after" and not leaving room for ambiguity?

    Employees can buy the car after 5 years .......??? It is in this part where I get stuck

    What about "..... can buy the car 5 years after it has been granted"
    Thank you very much!!!!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: after five years

    Quote Originally Posted by diegonel
    Please, would you give me a hand with this simple sentence

    Context: An employee is given a car, as a perquisite. He or she can buy it after five years from the moment she was given it. How can I express that using "after" and not leaving room for ambiguity?

    Employees can buy the car after 5 years .......??? It is in this part where I get stuck

    What about "..... can buy the car 5 years after it has been granted"
    Thank you very much!!!!
    Hi Diego, here is an option: I hope it helps

    "El empleado podrá efectuar la compra del automóvil una vez transcurrido un periodo de cinco años a partir de la fecha de otorgamiento".


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  3. #3
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    Default Re: after five years

    Mil gracias pero la vesion en ingles es la mia, la de castellaño, es el original, necesito saber si en ingles esta ok

    capaz no fui claro en el post

  4. #4
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    Default Re: after five years

    Hola Diegonel,

    Yo con lo "poco" que se...diría que no veo ningun problema con esta version : "can buy the car 5 years after it has been granted"
    o "can purchase the car after a period of 5 years after it has been granted"

    En este caso, me parece que "purchase" conviene mas.

    Por las dudas, y me repito, esperaría la confirmación de un nativoEspero haberte ayudado. Saludos

  5. #5
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    Default Re: after five years

    Quote Originally Posted by diegonel
    Mil gracias pero la vesion en ingles es la mia, la de castellaño, es el original, necesito saber si en ingles esta ok

    capaz no fui claro en el post
    Hola Diegonel!

    If I understand correctly what you're looking for is an English translation for that phrase?

    In that case let me offer a couple of examples:

    "In five years from the day the employee first receives the car; they will then have the option to purchase it. "

    "The first opportunity the employee will have to buy the car will be on the five year anniversary of the date it was first received."

    I hope that's helpful.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: after five years

    vbmenu_register("postmenu_30571", true); Kainu and Alisa,

    Muchas gracias por su colaboración. Kainu, si es verdad PURCHASE queda mejor y Alisa, tu version está muy buena. El problemita es que tiene que ser as brief as possible, ya que es para una presentacion en power point, donde hay que ahorrar palabras. De todas formas muchas gracias

  7. #7
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: after five years

    Diego, en esta caso y lo más corto que se me ocurre:

    the employee will have a purchase option of the given car after 5 years.

    Queda mejor la frase de Alisa, pero claro, muy larga.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: after five years

    Thanks Excentrica

    I think I'd go with this one

    the employee can purchase the car 5 years after it has been granted

    but I wonder whether it is grammatically correct!

    thanks all

  9. #9
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    Default Re: after five years

    I think it is grammatically correct! Sounds good, in fact.

  10. #10
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: after five years

    Sounds good , I agree

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