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Thread: Help with translation of email

  1. #1
    Forum User
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    Default Help with translation of email

    Could someone please help me translate this into Castellano?
    I am trying to write an email, but I only know a few words in Spanish and I can't construct sentences. English is not my native language either, but I hope it sounds all right.
    I'm not sure whether to address one specific person or "the store" in general (in this case some sort of café), I don't know if that will make a difference in Spanish.

    I am also wondering what the appropriate way is to begin and end a letter (in Spanish), in a polite way, to a person one is not acquainted with. Preferably without sounding too formal or "business-like".
    Thank you very much!

    I have been searching everywhere for a CD; '....', and yesterday, someone was kind enough to tell me that the CD could only be found in Mexico.
    I was given this email address, and now I'm writing to you, with the hope that I can purchase this CD somehow from your store.

    I have already bought a digital version of the CD for the computer, but I would very much like to purchase the real, actual disc.

    '...' is my favourite album. It is just brilliant!

    Can I please purchase it from your store?

    ...and is it possible to deliver to Sweden?
    I can send you an addressed and prepaid envelope, if that is easier.

    Thank you very much in advance!

    (I will fill in the details and start by introducing myself, but I know that much at least.)

  2. #2
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help with translation of email

    Hi Micu! I hope this helps!

    Frases para comenzar la introducción a una carta comercial o formal:

    *I am writing to enquire about... Por la presente quisiera saber...

    *In reply to your letter of... En respuesta a su carta de...

    In accordance/compliance with your request... Conforme a su petición...

    *I regret to inform you that... Lamento comunicarle...

    *We are pleased to announce... Nos complace anunciarle(s)...

    We are pleased to inform you... Nos es grato comunicarle(s)...

    *We acknowledge receipt of your letter of... Acusamos recibo de su carta de...

    We refer to your... (letter/circular/newsletter/order/statement) of... Referente a su...(carta / circular / circular / pedido / cuenta) de...

    We should like to remind you that... Le recordamos que...

    We have carefully considered your... Con sumo cuidado hemos considerado su...

    We are pleased to confirm... Nos es grato confirmar...

    It is with considerable pleasure / It is with considerable regret that... Con sumo gusto... / Lamentamos...

    *With reference to your letter of... Referente a su escrito...

    We find it necessary to inform you... Nos es necesario informarle(s)

    We greatly appreciate... Quisiera agradecerle(s)...

    Please accept out thanks for... Ruego acepte nuestro agradecimiento...

    I reply to your advertisement for... Contesto su anuncio acerca de...

    I should like to apply for the job of... Quisiera solicitar el puesto de...

    I saw your advertisement in today's Times and... Hoy he visto su anuncio en el Times y...

    Will you please note that... Ruego tome nota que...

    I enclose our order for... Adjunto nuestro pedido de...

    We have pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of your cheque... Nos complace confirmarle que hemos recibido su talón...

    We thank you for your order for... Agradecemos su pedido de...

    I am very much obliged to you for... Le quedo muy agradecido por...

    Would you please quote for... Ruego nos comuniquen precios de...

    We have received your letter... Recibimos su (atta.) carta...

    I must protest most emphatically about... Quisiera protestar rotundamente acerca de ...

    We have today dispatched to you... Hoy le hemos remitido...

    We should like to call your attention to... Tenemos el deber de comunicarle...

    In accordance with our agreement... Según lo convenido / acordado...

    Contrary to our agreement... Contrariamente a lo convenido / acordado...

    Frases para comenzar la introducción a una carta informal (social, personal):

    Thank you for your letter. Gracias por tu carta

    Thank you for... Gracias por...

    Many thanks for... Muchísimas gracias por...

    I must thank you for... Muchísimas gracias por...

    I am sorry to have to say that... Siento tener que decirte que...

    I am just writing to say... Te estoy escribiendo para decirte...

    It was very good of you to... Era muy amable de tu parte...

    It has been so long since I last wrote... ¡Cuánto tiempo desde mi última carta!

    It is so long since I heard from you... ¡Cuánto tiempo desde que escuché noticias tuyas!

    I wonder if you could... Me pregunto si pudieras...

    I am sure you will be sorry to hear that.. Seguro que sentirás mucho saber que...

    I have just heard the wonderful / sad news from Dave about... Acabo de escuchar la maravillosa / triste noticia de Dave acerca de...

    I have noticed of late that... Últimamente he observado que...

    I was on the point of writing to you about...when your letter arrived...

    Lista General de Encabezamientos y Despedidas.
    General List of Headers and closes

    Please follow this link: http://www.englishspanishlink.com/de...andheaders.htm
    Last edited by mem286; 03-15-2009 at 09:59 PM.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Help with translation of email

    Thank you kindly for your help, mem286! The phrases are very useful and will certainly come in handy. I have saved them in a document too, so I can practise a bit.

    The problem is that I need to send this email within a week or so, and it's hard for me to word it in Spanish, in a way that matches the original.
    I would be so grateful if someone could take the time to translate it - or maybe direct me somewhere where they can.

    I have never needed anything translated before, so I have no idea where to turn.

    Thanks again!

    * * *

    I have been searching everywhere for a CD; '....', and yesterday, someone was kind enough to tell me that the CD could only be found in Mexico.
    I was given this email address, and now I'm writing to you, with the hope that I can purchase this CD somehow from your store.

    I have already bought a digital version of the CD for the computer, but I would very much like to purchase the real, actual disc.

    '...' is my favourite album. It is just brilliant!

    Can I please purchase it from your store?

    ...and is it possible to deliver to Sweden?
    I can send you an addressed and prepaid envelope, if that is easier.

    Thank you very much in advance!

  4. #4
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help with translation of email

    Quote Originally Posted by Micu
    I have been searching everywhere for a CD; '....', and yesterday, someone was kind enough to tell me that the CD could only be found in Mexico.
    I was given this email address, and now I'm writing to you, with the hope that I can purchase this CD somehow from your store.

    I have already bought a digital version of the CD for the computer, but I would very much like to purchase the real, actual disc.

    '...' is my favourite album. It is just brilliant!

    Can I please purchase it from your store?

    ...and is it possible to deliver to Sweden?
    I can send you an addressed and prepaid envelope, if that is easier.

    Thank you very much in advance!
    He buscado por todos lados el CD "....", y ayer, alguien muy amablemente me sugirió que podría encontrarlo en Méjico.
    Me dieron este e-mail, y le escribo con la esperanza de que Ud. cuente con este CD en su negocio.
    He adquirido una versión digital del mismo para la PC, pero me interesaría mucho comprar el original, el disco propiamente dicho.
    "...." es mi album favorito. ¡Es simplemente grandioso!
    Le agradecería me informe si puedo adquirirlo en su negocio y si es posible lo despachen a Suecia.
    Puedo enviarle una dirección postal y un sobre pre-pago, si es más cómodo para Ud.
    De antemano muchas gracias!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Help with translation of email

    Oh, thank you so much! - And what a quick reply, too..!
    This means a lot to me, and I very much appreciate your help! You saved my day.. or month..
    Let me know if you ever need anything translated into Swedish.

    Thanks again for your trouble!

  6. #6
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: Help with translation of email

    Quote Originally Posted by Micu
    Oh, thank you so much! - And what a quick reply, too..!
    This means a lot to me, and I very much appreciate your help! You saved my day.. or month..
    Let me know if you ever need anything translated into Swedish.

    Thanks again for your trouble!
    You're welcome Micu!! Enjoy your day!

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Help with translation of email

    Can I bother someone with one more translation?
    I just realized that I didn't express myself clearly enough in one of the sentences in the email. (Hm, I need to work on my English too..)
    I'm not sure, but I think it might change the meaning of the translation a bit.

    I wrote:
    I can send an addressed and prepaid envelope, if that is easier for you.

    But I intended to say:
    I can send a stamped (self)addressed envelope, if that is easier (for you).

    I mean the kind of envelope on which you put a stamp and write your own address, so the receiver can return a letter or something by using it. There is probably some fancy name for it in English that I don't know about. Sorry!

    I also found a sort of round-off phrase, but maybe it sounds ...over the top..? I want to be polite, but not too obsequious.
    Maybe it is outdated too.

    Agradezco mucho el favor que espero me dispensarán, y en la espera de sus noticias les saludo atentamente.

    Do I sound crazy if I end with that?

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