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Thread: Necesito traducción por favor

  1. #1
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    Default Necesito traducción por favor

    Hi, I'm pretty new to this forum. I'm new to the Spanish language and am taking Spanish classes at my high school. I have a project where I have to write about my experience at a Spanish Day of the Dead exhibition. I just wrote a draft and I know that it is FILLED with errors, but I tried my best. I know that there are a lot of you out there that are native speakers and I would be very grateful if you could help me out with checking my translation:
    • Para mi contacto cultural, fui a una exposición de arte en el Centro de Artes y Recreación en Baldwin Park. Fui el sábado con mi mamá y papá. El centro siempre tiene los programas de artes culturales. Yo fui a ver la exposición de Día de los Muertos. Fuera del centro era una celebración para Día de los Muertos. ¡Qué sorpresa! Había muchas cosas a ver. Yo elegí este proyecto porque quería a aprender más sobre Día de los Muertos.
      • For my contacto cultural, I went to an arts exhibit at the Baldwin Park Arts and Recreation Center. I went with my mom and dad on Saturday, November 8th. The center always has cultural arts programs. When I went, there was a Day of the Dead exhibit. Also, when I went there was a celebration right outside the center. What a surprise! I got to experience two exciting things. I picked this Project because I wanted to learn more about the Day of the Dead Celebration.
    • Yo pasé sobre una hora a las Centro de Artes y Recreación. Primero, yo ví a las pinturas. Tomé muchos fotos incluir en este proyecto. Mi pintura favorita dijo, "Muerto en México". Era muy interesante. Después, me fui fuera y miré a las cabinas. Ví un hombre jugando instrumentos de mano tallado. Antes yo salí, yo compré un “hot dog” de estilo mexicano.
      • I spent an hour total at the Arts and Recreation Center. For the first half, I toured through the exhibits. I took many pictures to include with this project. My favorite exhibit was a picture that said, “Muerto en Mexico”. It was very interesting. For the second half, I went outside and walked through the festival booths. I watched a man play hand carved instruments. I bought a Mexican style hot dog before I left.
    • El Día de los Muertos parece a Halloween. Muchas de las cosas que ví me recordó de Halloween.
      • The Day of the Dead seems very much like Halloween. Many of the things I saw, especially all the skulls, reminded me of Halloween.
    • La cultura de este proyecto se centra sobre la cultura oaxaqueña. El Día de los Muertos originó en Oaxaca, México. Día de los Muertos es una fiesta en la que las familias recuerdan a sus queridos fallecidos y honran a los espíritus que vuelven a sus hogares. Esto me recuerda el de Festival de la Linterna en China. Nosotros encendemos velas fuera nuestras casas guiar a los espíritus que han perdido sus casas.
      • The culture this project focuses on is Oaxacan culture. The Day of the Dead originated in Oaxaca, Mexico. Day of the Dead is a celebration when families honor deceased loved ones and welcome the spirits’ return home. This reminds me of the Lantern Festival in China. Candles are lit outside houses to guide lost spirits home.
    • Yo he aprendido que México es un país de tradición y cultura. Yo admiro la diversidad que la cultura española trae al mundo.
      • I have learned that Mexico is a country of tradition and culture. I really admire the diversity the Spanish culture brings to the world.
    • ¡Yo he aprendido tanto! La exposición había fotos y información debajo de les.
      • I have learned so much! The exhibit had pictures as well as information next to them.
    • En comparación con mi último proyecto, me sentí mucho más preparado para esto. Pero, este proyecto necesitó menos español conversacional que mi último proyecto. Yo pude a tomar tiempo a pensar sobre la información era leyendo. Sin embargo, me tome mucho tiempo a terminar este proyecto. Yo utilizé un libro llamado "501 Spanish Verbs" para me ayude.
      • Compared to my last Project, I felt a lot more prepared for this one. But, it was probably because this one involved much more reading than conversational Spanish. I was able to take time and digest the information I needed to learn. Still, it took me a lot of time to finish the project. I used a book called “501 Spanish Verbs” to help me.
    • Me gustó este proyecto. Pude a ver muchas pinturas y también aprender mucho sobre la cultura mexicana. Y me encantó el “hot dog” de estilo mexicano.
      • I really liked this project. I was able to see many portraits and also learn a lot about Mexican culture. And I loved the Mexican style hot dog. I would definitely recommend the project to other students.
    • Yo recomendaría este proyecto a otros estudiantes, porque enseña muchas cosas acerca de la cultura.
      • I would recommend this project to other students, because it teaches many things about culture.

    I know this is very long, so I would be very grateful to whoever will help me out, I'm not doing too well in my class and I could use all the help I can get. It took me almost a whole day to write this and it would be awesome if the effort pays off when my teacher grades it, haha. Thanks!
    Last edited by azn4eyes00; 11-11-2008 at 09:21 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Necesito traducción por favor

    This is a google transalation (the text below directly translated by google, checkk, please!) , good try, azn, but we are pros here, darling. We DO notice when a translation is a computer translation.

    I did love the "when I left: cuando yo a la izquierda" jejeje, I will keep that for my list for impossible translations.

    And I found this REALLY cheeky :It took me almost a whole day to write this

    Good luck, somewhere else.

    And a good advice for you future: Never subestimate people.

    Pasé una hora en total las Artes y Centro de Recreación. Para el primer semestre, yo a través de visitaron las exposiciones. Tomé muchas fotos para incluir en este proyecto. Mi exposición fue una imagen que dice, "Muerto en Mexico". Es muy interesante. Para el segundo semestre, me fui fuera y caminó a través de las cabinas de festival. Vi a un hombre jugar mano instrumentos tallados. He comprado un estilo mexicano hot dog antes de que yo la izquierda

  3. #3
    Senior Member MariaLaura's Avatar
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    Default Re: Necesito traducción por favor

    Hi Azn,
    I suggest you try doing it yourself. I assure you the grade won't be good at all if you hand in that translation. Try again and post it.. We'll be more than glad to help you.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Necesito traducción por favor

    @ Maria Laura: Thanks for giving me a second chance, if you look above to the original post, you'll see that its changed.
    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________

    @exxentrica: Yes, I did use a computer translation to help me out. And I admit that in this instance I was very sloppy with its use. I relied too much upon it.

    BUT, in my defense...

    Yes, I did use a computer translation to help me out with this. But, unlike your assumption, I did not simply just type paragraphs into Google Translate and click the button.

    People have different ways of learning. I use computer translation to provide me with the basic structure of the sentence and then work from there. I find this is a very efficient way for me to learn. If you had taken the time to look closely enough at the original post, you would have seen that MY translations were, in fact, NOT like the google version you took the liberty to copy and paste in your post to prove to everyone your point.

    BUT, I concede - again - that I relied on computer translation way too much this time: thus the "a la izquierda" mistake. It was stupid. I know. I'm sorry for that. Yet, it seems as if you targeted that one mistake, that one phrase, that one mishap, and created a whole host of assumptions.

    You even took the liberty to look up my previous posts, bring them back up, and discredit me based on the conclusion you made off that one phrase.

    Now, I'm sorry for relying too heavily on a computer translation for this particular post. But you should also be less hasty to jump to conclusions. And if you do, please don't put it in such a detrimental manner:

    Quote Originally Posted by exxcéntrica
    Good luck, somewhere else.

    And a good advice for you future: Never subestimate people.
    by now, you're probably thinking, "hey this kid has less than ten posts. He doesn't even contribute to this forum. Why should I care what he thinks?" Well, that's completely in your liberty to think.

    But as for me: Sorry, exxcentrica.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________

    Thanks to anyone that can help me translate, the text is in the first post!
    Last edited by azn4eyes00; 11-11-2008 at 11:01 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Necesito traducción por favor

    Quote Originally Posted by azn4eyes00
    Yes, I did use a computer translation to help me out with this. But, unlike your assumption, I did not simply just type paragraphs into Google Translate and click the button.
    This is exactly what you did! I copied the English text and put it into google translator and out came what I pasted.

    I have no need to make assumptions! I have proven that you are a fake. So , be so good as do your work yourself and dont' think we are stupid!

    If you had taken the time to look closely enough at the original post, you would have seen that MY translations were, in fact, NOT like the google version you took the liberty to copy and paste in your post to prove to everyone your point.
    I repeat: this is EXACTLY what I did. My colleagues are free to do the same and will come out with the same result.

    You are being extremely cheeky here.
    You even took the liberty to look up my previous posts, bring them back up, and discredit me based on the conclusion you made off that one phrase.
    It was not just that one phrase. And yes, I took the liberty, as I may do. YOU on the other hand, may not take us for fools.

    Was that clear enough?

  6. #6
    Senior Member Nadia D's Avatar
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    Default Re: Necesito traducción por favor

    Hey guys,

    I think everybody needs a second chance.

    Please, try not to be aggressive when making your point.

    Respect is very much appreciated.


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Necesito traducción por favor

    Thanking you for pointing that out Nadia, we are indeed all here to help each other and to learn.

    Let's try to do so in an calm and peaceful manner.

  8. #8
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Necesito traducción por favor

    Quote Originally Posted by Nadia D
    Hey guys,

    I think everybody needs a second chance.

    Please, try not to be aggressive when making your point.

    Respect is very much appreciated.

    This is exactly my point. This poster has not been respectful and she did say, at the beginning, that it took her like hours to write this ...hmmm...post.

    Respect is given when deserved! This person does not deserve any respect.

    And for that matter, I do not appreciate you calling me a guy, even though that seems to be the custom now in the States.

  9. #9
    Senior Member mariacecilia's Avatar
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    Default Re: Necesito traducción por favor

    Hey guys:

    Regarding the use of the term "guys", I'm pasting info from Webster's (please take a look at number 3):

    Main Entry: 3guy Function:noun Etymology:Guy FawkesDate:1806 1often capitalized : a grotesque effigy of Guy Fawkes traditionally displayed and burned in England on Guy Fawkes Day2chiefly British : a person of grotesque appearance3 a: man , fellow b: person —used in plural to refer to the members of a group regardless of *** <saw her and the rest of the guys>4: individual , creature <the other dogs pale in companion to this little guy>

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Necesito traducción por favor

    Thanks Nadia. Exx, choosing not to participate in a post that you don't want to help out with is just fine, but going out of your way to attack another poster is not right. When posts are clearly assignments and people don't participate, they will eventually get the point and move on. Let's just try to focus on the purpose of this forum.

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