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Thread: "go-bag"

  1. #1
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    Thumbs down "go-bag"

    In working with a document dealing with disaster preparedness for persons with a chronic illiness, they introduce the concept of a "go-bag". This is a bag that has all of the medications and supplies you would need, contact information for relatives, schools, doctors, copies of your insurance information etc. This bag is ready to go as the name implies. The term is used throughout. The company that made the translation called it a "bolso listo para salir". A first aid kit is a botiquín can anyone come up with a better term for a "go-bag"?

    · Have a go-bag ready with your important documents, extra factor and other medications
    · Tenga preparado un bolso listo para salir con sus documentos importantes, factor de coagulación adicional y otros medicamentos

  2. #2
    Registered User pazonova's Avatar
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    Default Re: "go-bag"

    How about bolsa de emergencia?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: "go-bag"

    Vi su respuesta hace dias pero hasta ahora estoy respondiendo. Gracias, Pazonova, por su gentileza. Dennis

  4. #4
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    Default Re: "go-bag"

    A Go Bag is a bag which you pack today and hope you never need. You create this in case there is a situation which necessitates a hasty evacuation. There are a number of reasons why you would need to go in such a hurry hurricane, wild fire, visit from your mother-in-law, etc. You can go crazy adding stuff to this bag depending on the potential for emergencies and the environment you live in, you should edit the bag. A bag put together by a person living in Montana worrying about wildfire would be more likely to have warm clothing than someone in Florida who worries about hurricanes. Do not put this in a place which is difficult to get to. You may need to get out very quickly and not have a chance to run up to the attic.
    Last edited by mariacecilia; 10-28-2008 at 06:18 AM.

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