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Thread: School supplies

  1. #1
    Senior Member Dragona's Avatar
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    Exclamation School supplies

    Hi fellow translators!
    I have had trouble finding some "general" terms for the following school supply list- including the title!
    Hope to get some ideas on general terms!

    Here's what I have so far:
    School supply list - lista de utiles escolares
    backpack - mochila/bolso/maletin (now none of these are general tems, and i know there is one main one out there)
    rolling backpacks - bolson con ruedas
    safety hazard - ?
    paint smock - camiseta vieja para la clase de arte (because it says "please send in an old adult size tshirt for your child to use as a paint smock)
    baby wipes - toallas mojadas o toallitas de bebe
    paper towels - rollo de paper cervilleta
    glue stick - barras de pega
    cooking/snack fee - cobro de aperitivos y....?
    3 ring binder - cartapacio (friend from guatemala said that)

    any help is greatly appeciated as i have to have this for tomorrow!
    BTW, this is for a school in the US.
    Thank all!

  2. #2
    Registered User pazonova's Avatar
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    Default Re: School supplies

    Perhaps it means that rolling backpacks are a safety hazard?

    This document might help you.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: School supplies

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragona
    Hi fellow translators!
    I have had trouble finding some "general" terms for the following school supply list- including the title!
    Hope to get some ideas on general terms!

    Here's what I have so far:
    School supply list - lista de utiles escolares
    backpack - mochila/bolso/maletin (now none of these are general tems, and i know there is one main one out there)
    rolling backpacks - bolson con ruedas
    safety hazard - ?
    paint smock - camiseta vieja para la clase de arte (because it says "please send in an old adult size tshirt for your child to use as a paint smock)
    baby wipes - toallas mojadas o toallitas de bebe
    paper towels - rollo de paper cervilleta
    glue stick - barras de pega
    cooking/snack fee - cobro de aperitivos y....?
    3 ring binder - cartapacio (friend from guatemala said that)

    any help is greatly appeciated as i have to have this for tomorrow!
    BTW, this is for a school in the US.
    Thank all!
    Other options could be;

    backpack: morral
    baby wipes ; toallas (húmedas) limpiadoras
    paper towels: toallas de papel
    paint smock: delantal / bata (in some counties this is called guarda polvo)

    Hope it helps

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  4. #4
    Senior Member Dragona's Avatar
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    Default Re: School supplies

    Hola Pazonova,
    Thanks for the document, I gave it a quick over. It's almost similar to my Kindergartden list, except mine goes into a bit of detail.
    And yes, the sentence does say "we also ask not to have rolling backpacks as they are a safety hazard".
    So that sentence I've translated as "Les pedimos que no use un bolso que tenga ruedas porque representan un peligro".
    so far I've used : toallitas desinfectantes (como las que se usan para bebes baby wipes), barras de pega - for glue stick, cuota de aperitivos - snack fee, libreta de 3 anillo - 3 ring binder. The rest I've let with the initial translations that I have.
    Thanks for your help!

  5. #5
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: School supplies

    I would not call snack fee "cuotas de aperitivos" I would translate it as "cuota para merienda " or "cuota para refrigerios"

    Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
    Gordon B. Hinckley

  6. #6
    Senior Member Dragona's Avatar
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    Default Re: School supplies

    Quote Originally Posted by Hebe
    I would not call snack fee "cuotas de aperitivos" I would translate it as "cuota para merienda " or "cuota para refrigerios"
    Thanks for the tip Hebe!

  7. #7
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    Default Re: School supplies

    U are right pazonova it means same as u think.

    Last edited by lorocreative; 10-12-2008 at 02:03 AM.

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