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Thread: children literature

  1. #1
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    Default children literature

    i`m translating a program intto Spanish,it is like moral education wherae each character is represented by an animal (ex:Carla,the caring cat) but the name of the program is "character critters".I`m thinking about criaturas con caracter,o con moral o con personalidad....or el caracter de las criaturas...

    I also would like to kow how to transtate "the caring cat ,she cares...it may be la gata bondadosa or afectuosa?

    thank you

  2. #2
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    Default Re: children literature

    Well, knowing about the program, would help to find a transalation for character critters, but taking for grated this is literature for children, I could come up with: Bichitos con personalidad or Animalitos con personalidad.
    Regarding caring cat, I'd go with la gata afectuosa o cariñosa

    Hope it helps and wait for some other versions

  3. #3
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    Default Re: children literature

    "Criaturas con personalidad" sounds good. With a variation you may say: "Animalitos con personalidad" or "Criaturas con carácter singular" (como una característica diferenciadora de sus personalidades)

    As for the cat, I'd say:
    Carla, la gatita cariñosa, or
    Carla, la gatita bondadosa, or
    Carla, la gatita solidaria.

    I'd say gatita instead of gata because the diminutive sounds more affectionate.

    Hope it helps!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: children literature

    thank you so muchfor your suggestions!!

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