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Thread: 17th Century Song Translation

  1. #1
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    Default 17th Century Song Translation

    Hello everyone, I am a singer and I am beginning to sing 17th century Spanish songs which unfortunately do not have translations provided with the music. Would someone be able to translate the following song text for me, a literal translation is fine, it is just for my own understanding of the song. Thank you!!

    Ay camaradita (Alejandro Enciso)
    Ay camarada! Ai, que si me per diere entrando allá, será mi vi, será mi vida la ganada. Andar, pues a todos se ofreze en manjar. Andar, por quien los males se truecan an bienes, si a comerle no lleguen mal. Andar.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: 17th Century Song Translation

    Let's see

    There are mistakes in the spelling. If you can improve it, I could help you.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: 17th Century Song Translation

    You've provided a difficult task, particularly since you do not provide any context for the song. also, perhaps the native Spanish speakers can improve on my translation since I haven't had to translate anything from Old Spanish since my college days.

    Alas little friend (Alejandro Enciso)
    Alas partner! Oh, if that I would be given entrance there, it will be my life, it will be my life’s earnings. Tread lightly, for to all who come forward to eat. Tread lightly, for that which the evils exchange for possessions, as if to eat it does not bring evil. Tread lightly.

    "El verdadero objectivo de la vida no es el destino final, si no disfrutar el camino."

  4. #4
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    Default Re: 17th Century Song Translation

    Thank you Joel, your translation is helpful for my understanding and it's made me realise the numerous similarities with French! As for a context, the song is an art song and so not part of a narrative, and it is a soprano-tenor duet.

    You are right Diegonel, there are a couple of spelling mistakes; "per diere" should be "perdiere" and "an bienes" should be "en bienes". All the other spelling is as written on the music.

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