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Thread: Quick help please

  1. #1
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    Default Quick help please

    I need to say this in Spanish:

    "You are a very special, unique, awesome, super-sweet girl, I like you a lot; you may not believe me, but I also care about you a great deal, more than I can say in words, and my hope and wish is that you'll always be happy, no matter what. I'm glad I know you as a friend and I hope we'll only grow to be better friends, I also know you are the most gorgeous girl anywhere, and beautiful both in and out, and I hope you never change who you are. Have a very happy and blessed 25th birthday."

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Quick help please

    Add smart to that list too, I have this girl that I want to send a b/day wish in spanish, I'm sure you can figure that out already, so your help will be greatly appreciated, I know it's a lot of words, but I don't know spanish at all, so I need all the help I can get.

  3. #3
    Forum User pames's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick help please

    Hi!! I don't mean to be rude or anything and I think it is very sweet of you to want to send a happy b-day greeting in Spanish; but bear in mind that we may help you improve your translation. I don't think the objective of this forum is provide free translation services.
    Just my point of view, don't know about other members.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Quick help please

    Thank you Pames, but as stated I'm looking for someone who would help, you are obviously not obligated, but if you can't maybe someone else can and it's not for you to say if they can or cannot, I've had people translate things for me in this forum very willingly and "freely" and it's to those people that I was appealing to, not to just anyone with an opinion; as you stated, not to be rude.

  5. #5
    Forum User pames's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick help please

    I know it is not for me to say whether they can or not, actually I didn't say so. That's why I made very clear it was MY opinion and didn't know about other members.

    I am free to express my opinion right??

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Quick help please

    Quote Originally Posted by mwanikiphp
    I need to say this in Spanish:

    "You are a very special, unique, awesome, super-sweet girl, I like you a lot; you may not believe me, but I also care about you a great deal, more than I can say in words, and my hope and wish is that you'll always be happy, no matter what. I'm glad I know you as a friend and I hope we'll only grow to be better friends, I also know you are the most gorgeous girl anywhere, and beautiful both in and out, and I hope you never change who you are. Have a very happy and blessed 25th birthday."
    I'll give it a go.

    "Tú eres una chica muy inteligente, especial, única y tierna. Me gustas mucho. Tal vez no me creas, pero te tengo mucho afecto, más de lo que puedo decir en palabras. Mi deseo es que que seràs siempre feliz, sin importar lo que suceda. Me alegre conocerte como amiga and espero que sigamos conociendonos como amigos. También sé que eres la chica más linda del mundo, tanto para dentro como para afuera y espero que no cambies nunca quien eres. Que tengas un feliz y bendecido cumpleaños!"

    I hope that sounds natural enough...

  7. #7
    Forum User Goodnightmoon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick help please

    I'd like some mod or administrator to confirm whether the purpose of this forum allows for this kind of requests (free translation of full paragraphs from scratch) or whether it's mandatory to give our try first when asking for help. I think there's a big difference between asking "how do you say have a nice weekend in Spanish?" and asking for a letter to be translated.

    All of us are more than willing to help here but I'm not sure helping someone with a translation is the same as doing the job for someone else who maybe will be taking the credit for all of my translation if he/she doesn't give it a try first. Whether it's homework, a private letter or someone trying to impress his/her boss with his/her (lacking) language skills it's certainly up to me to decide if I want to help or not, I'd just like to know what the limit to the amount of help asked is considered acceptable here.

    Scott: maybe you'd like to check your use of the indicative when expressing wishes...
    Last edited by Goodnightmoon; 08-22-2008 at 12:51 PM.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Quick help please

    From my perspective as a moderator, if there's someone who is looking for help with a translation that is obviously personal, as this one is, then I can choose to take the time to write up something to assist them. If someone posts a translation that is obviously a homework assignment, then their responsibility as a student is to give the effort. If someone posts part of a professional newsletter, website, etc., then they should hire someone to do a professional translation. In this case, mwanikiphp posted part of a birthday greeting to someone close to him/her. Having been in similar situations of a large language barrier, I see no harm in spending time in my day to give a hand.

    Here is what is officially listed:
    • Can I post text and have it translated?
    -You can post it and ask for a translation, but the members of this forum are mostly professionals and will only translate it if they feel like it. You will probably NOT receive an answer if your text is too long, since translation is a paid service.

    As a translator, I felt like helping this person out.

    By the way, if I made a mistake in my translation (which will happen), please correct the text as well so that the person can receive the most accurate and correct text possible. Thank you.

  9. #9
    Senior Member ElVizconde's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quick help please

    Quote Originally Posted by pames
    Hi!! I don't mean to be rude or anything and I think it is very sweet of you to want to send a happy b-day greeting in Spanish; but bear in mind that we may help you improve your translation. I don't think the objective of this forum is provide free translation services.
    Just my point of view, don't know about other members.

    I agree 100% with you.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Quick help please


    Thanks a lot, I appreciate it. I don't quite understand what you need corrected on your translate or what your mistake was, if you could clarify that please.


    This is a simple note NOT a letter, I already stated I know nothing of Spanish so giving it a try is not possible, the spirit of truly helping someone is doing it w/o necessarily taking credit for it. You don't have to make things so complicated, you can definitely choose to help or not, if you choose not to, then you and I have no business together and there's no point of having a discussion and there's no point for you to post on my thread.


    You are free to express your opinion, but that's NOT what I was looking for, so to me it's a non-issue, if you don't want to help you don't have to post on my thread, I'm sure you can express your opinion somewhere else where it would be more appreciated.

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