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Thread: Could some just check how this is translated ...short

  1. #1
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    Default Could someone just check how this is translated ...short

    El Viernes de Mayo 2do el 6:30-8 estamos teniendo una feria
    internacional. Si es posible sería grande si usted podría traer
    en un plato de su país que noche. Quisiéramos hacer las tarjetas
    de la receta para cada uno de los platos que la gente está trayendo l
    a noche de la feria. Para hacer esto podía usted llenar amablemente hacia
    fuera el resbalón inferior y volverlo de viernes de abril el 25
    al profesor del homeroom de su niño. Esto sería apreciada

    Here it is in English (I am a teacher and want to send this to my Spanish speaking Parents)
    I just used Babel Fish translation dont all the way trust it.. whoever helps me is such a lifesaver!

    On Friday May 2nd 6:30-8 we are having an international fair.
    If possible it would be great if you could bring in a dish from your
    country that night. We would like to make recipe cards for each
    of the dishes that people are bringing the night of the fair. In order
    to do this could you kindly fill out the bottom slip and return it by
    Friday April 25th to your child’s homeroom teacher.
    This would be greatly appreciated
    Last edited by JessiMitchell; 03-29-2008 at 02:46 AM. Reason: Noticed spelling problem

  2. #2
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    Hello Jessi:

    You are wise not to completely trust the Babel Fish translation. It needs some revisions. When do you have to have this? If you are pressed for time I can give you a pretty good translation; if not, I suggest that you wait until our native Spanish speakers come back online, not later than Monday. They can do a perfect job.

    For clarification, is the "bottom slip" a form or is it a blank space provided for the recipe at the bottom of the page ?

    Also, do you want this translated literally the way you wrote it or can we change your wording to make it flow better, as long as we maintain the content?
    Last edited by vicente; 03-29-2008 at 02:29 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JessiMitchell
    El viernes, 2 de Mayo, de 18.30 a 20.00, vamos a tener una feria/fiesta internacional. Si es posible sería grande/genial si usted pudiera llevar/contribuir con un plato/una comida de su país esa noche. Quisiéramos hacer las tarjetas con las receta de cada uno de los platos que la gente lleva la noche de la feria. Para hacer esto, les rogamos que sean tan amables de rellenar la nota al final de este mensaje y entregarlo antes del viernes 25 de abril al profesor su niño. Les estaríamos muy agradecidos.
    Hi Jess, I have mainly had a look at your text because you admitted immediately to having used a Babel fish translator and...because you are a teacher!

    I had an unpleasant experience the other day with somebody using a babel fish translation for a homework assignment and not admitting to it, so I am probably a little biased.

    In any case, Is this text for Mexican natives? I will have a look if I can point out the thread to a Mexican friend on the board. Really, I don't think there will be much difference, but some expressions might be slightly different. it would be useful to know the origin of the Spanish speaking parents.

    Vicente ponted this out:

    For clarification, is the "bottom slip" a form or is it a blank space provided for the recipe at the bottom of the page ?
    I have translated it as a "note" at the bottom of the message. Please, if it is not too urgent, tell us where the Spanish speaking people are from.
    Last edited by exxcéntrica; 03-30-2008 at 06:11 AM.

  4. #4
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    Default Thank you

    Thank you for anyone who is able to help me the families are from various places like Columbia, Argentina, Puerto Rico, El Salvador and one is from Mexico. I teach the kids English(only speak English with them) I do know some spanish but am horrible at writing (trying to work on this) It would take me forever to write this letter out myself and do not want to make mistakes thanks again

    Translation doesnt have to be literal just to get the just needed within the next couple of days... I so appreciate your help
    Last edited by JessiMitchell; 03-30-2008 at 11:13 PM.

  5. #5
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    Default added info

    Oh by the way the note refers to the bottom portion of the page which they are to cut out and return it is basically a blank space but it has a spot that says name _______ food or dish they are bringing _________ Country _______ ( for the country the food comes from ) and it says Recipe _______ and has a few lines.

    Once again I cannot thank anyone who has offered there help


  6. #6
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JessiMitchell
    Oh by the way the note refers to the bottom portion of the page which they are to cut out and return it is basically a blank space but it has a spot that says name _______ food or dish they are bringing _________ Country _______ ( for the country the food comes from ) and it says Recipe _______ and has a few lines.

    Once again I cannot thank anyone who has offered there help

    Hi Jessy, I think my translation will do, as it is pretty standard.

    El viernes, 2 de Mayo, de 18.30 a 20.00, vamos a tener una fiesta internacional. Si es posible sería muy agradable si usted pudiera contribuir con una comida de su país esa noche. Quisiéramos hacer las tarjetas con las receta de cada uno de los platos que la gente lleva la noche de la feria. Para hacer esto, les rogamos que sean tan amables de rellenar la nota al final de este mensaje y entregarlo antes del viernes 25 de abril al profesor su niño. Les estaríamos muy agradecidos.

    The bottom line could be:

    Nombre del plato:

    País de origen:


    Good luck with the party!

  7. #7
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    Hola, Jessi:

    Here it is another option:

    El viernes 2 de mayo llevaremos a cabo una fiesta internacional. Si fuera posible, nos encantaría que esa noche contribuyera con un plato típico de su país. Planeamos hacer tarjetas con la receta de cada uno de los platos que los asistentes traigan la noche del evento, por ello les rogamos sean tan amables de llenar la nota al final de este mensaje y entregarla antes del viernes 25 de abril al profesor de su hijo. Se lo agradeceríamos infinitamente.

    I've only revised exxcentrica's version, which I've found an excellent one. I hope this helps.


  8. #8
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Hi Jessy, as there is still time till your fiesta, I just wanted o point out that Carlos' translation is probably the best choice.

    In Spain, in Madrid, this day is a holiday, so I will have fiesta, too!!

    Have fun!

  9. #9
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    Post re:Could someone just check how this is translated ...short

    Your translator program has done a literal translation. It probably could be deciphered by the parents but I suggest:
    "El Viernes 2do de Mayo a las 6:30hasta las 8 pm vamos a tener una feria
    internacional. Si es posible sería fantastico si usted podría traer
    un plato típico de su país esta noche. Quisiéramos hacer tarjetas
    con la receta para cada uno de los platos que la gente está trayendo
    a la feria. Para lograr esto, ¿podía usted llenar el resbalón inferior y volverlo el viernes 25 de abril al profesor del homeroom de su niño?. Lo agradeceremos mucho."

  10. #10
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Hola Connie: ¿Se dice resbalón en tu país? y "volverlo"? ¿Qué país es ?

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