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Thread: Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente?

  1. #1
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    Default Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente?

    Hi there! I work for a non-profit in Oakland, California, where we are busy planning for an upcoming Earth Day park clean up. Our community is 50% Spanish-speaking, and I'm trying to design a flier that is translated into Spanish. I'd be very grateful if anyone could offer translation advice for the following phrases:

    --Earth Day

    --Clean it. Green it. Mean it.

    --Park clean up

    --Community Banquet

    Grácias para su ayuda,

  2. #2
    New Member ladreamin's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Translation

    Día de la Tierra: Earth Day
    Limpialo. Verdelo. De Verdad. : Clean it. Green it. Mean it.
    Limpieza del Parque: Park clean up
    Banquete de la Comunidad: Community Banquet

    Another thing
    Se dice: Grácias POR su ayuda, not, Grácias para su ayuda

  3. #3
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spetrello
    Hi there! I work for a non-profit in Oakland, California, where we are busy planning for an upcoming Earth Day park clean up. Our community is 50% Spanish-speaking, and I'm trying to design a flier that is translated into Spanish. I'd be very grateful if anyone could offer translation advice for the following phrases:

    --Earth Day Día Mundial de la Tierra

    --Clean it. Green it. Mean it. Límpiala. Cuídala. Comprométete.

    --Park clean up Limpieza del parque

    --Community Banquet Fiesta Comunitaria

    Grácias para su ayuda,
    "To go green" is a very usual expression in English which is usually translated as "cuidemos el medio ambiente" o "volverse ecológico"

    Hope it helps!

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    --Earth Day Día Mundial de la Tierra

    --Clean it. Green it. Mean it. Límpiala. Cuídala. Comprométete.

    --Park clean up Limpieza del parque

    --Community Banquet Fiesta Comunitaria

    esta es la traduccion de Mem, y me parece perfecta

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