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Thread: I Need Help With Translating A Description Of A Country Into Spanish

  1. #1
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    Default I Need Help With Translating A Description Of A Country Into Spanish

    Soon I am going to have a 2-page report due in beginners Spanish, and I have posted 3 small paragraphs from my report that I need help with translating into Spanish so that I can get a feel for the proper grammar when translating the full report.

    El Republica de Chile. Chile motto es “Por la Razon o la Fuerza.” Chile anthem es “Himno Nacional de Chile”. Chile is a country in South America between the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Peru is located to the north of Chile, Bolivia to the northeast, Argentina to the east, and the Drake Passage at the country’s southernmost top.

    In 1520, the Portuguese discovered the southern passage. The next Europeans to reach Chile were Diego de Almagro and his band of Spanish conquistadors, who came from Peru in 1535 seeking gold. Chile is divided into 13 regions each of which is controlled by an official appointed by the President. Chileans call their country “pais de poetas”. The national dance is the cueca.

    The main attractions of Chile for tourists are places of national beauty. Throughout the central Andes, there are many ski resorts of international repute, like Portillo and Valle Nevado.

  2. #2
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    Chile es un país en Sudamérica, entre la Cordillera de los Andes y el Océano Pacífico. Perú se localiza al norte de Chile, Bolivia al noreste, Argentina al este, y el estrecho de Drake al norte del país.

    En 1520, los portugueses descubrieron el estrecho del sur. Los siguientes eruopeos en llegar a Chile fueron Diego de Almagro y su grupo de conquistadores españoles, quienes llegaron desde Perú en 1535 buscando oro. Chile está dividido en 13 regiones cada una de las cuales es controlada por un oficial elegido por el presidente. Los chilenos llaman a su país "país de poetas" (country of poets). La danza tradicional es la cueca.

    Las principales atracciones de Chile para los turistas son los lugares de belleza natural. A través de los Andes, hay varios hostales de reputación internacional, como Portillo y Valle Nevado.

    Thanks for giving us the chance of reading such an interesting text about that country. I'm from Uruguay, which is very close to Chile, and I've always admired the natural beauty of that country.
    I hope the translation is useful for your report. A small comment: Notice that many words which are written in English starting with a capital letter, in Spanish that's not necessary, it's not a grammar error when you write "norte" (which means "North") without using a capital "n".
    Good luck my friend!!

  3. #3
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    You just had a native speaker do your homework for you. You didn't even make an effort to do it yourself. I would have respected an effort. You didn't even try. Maybe you expect to go through life with a translator sticking out of your hip pocket. He's going to get heavy.

  4. #4
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    I wouldn't go as far as Thomas, but he does have a point. We'd love to help you out, but you need to have a translation of your own. This is not a translation services site, it encourages debate and exchange of ideas.
    Best wishes,

  5. #5
    Senior Member Veronica's Avatar
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    I'm with Thomas, I'd love to see the translator in the pocket, hehehehehe.
    Anyway when you get someone to do your homework it doesn't mean it will be correct, maybe you were better off doing it yourself.

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