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Thread: Help with "out of hand"

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Question Help with "out of hand"

    Hi, I can't translate correctly the expression "out of hand", please help

    "Nevertheless, it is worth adding that Baran—as Marcuse no doubt understood and as their own correspondence reveals—was far from simply rejecting psychological issues out of hand. Baran’s essay on psychoanalysis was aimed at the critique of what he called “psychologism”..."

    It's referred to a simple reject?


    Muchas gracias de nuevo, y agradezco por este foro.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Help with "out of hand"

    Rejecting something "out of hand" refers to rejecting something without giving any thought to its merits or seeking any further information.

    EX: "My boss never gave me a chance to explain my proposal. He rejected it out of hand without even looking at it."

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