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Thread: English email to Spanish translation

  1. #1
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    Default English email to Spanish translation


    I need to send an email to one of my colleague in Spanish. I appreciate to help me to do this.

    English text:

    Dear Sir,

    Actually I have faced to a problem with our lab GSHX instrument. I deleted the software by mistake and now I can not install the software on the instrument, desktop computer and do the calibration. Would you please kindly give me a helpful hand to install the software?
    I appreciate your kind cooperation to get rid of my problem.

    Spanish Text:

    "Estimado señor,

    En realidad me he enfrentado a un problema con nuestro instrumento laboratorio GSHX. He eliminado el software por error y ahora no puedo instalar el software en el instrumento, computadora de escritorio y hacer la calibración. ¿Podría por favor darme amablemente una mano útil para instalar el software?

    Agradezco su amable cooperación para deshacerse de mi problema."

    Thank you.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: English email to Spanish translation


    I'm afraid this email is too long for a free review. We could help you with a couple of words, but not with a whole text.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: English email to Spanish translation

    I agree, this is too long to get it done for free, I'm pretty sure you can find many people here that would be glad to help you for a fee.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: English email to Spanish translation

    Quote Originally Posted by arashi88 View Post

    I need to send an email to one of my colleague in Spanish. I appreciate to help me to do this.

    English text:

    Dear Sir,

    Actually I have faced to a problem with our lab GSHX instrument. I deleted the software by mistake and now I can not install the software on the instrument, desktop computer and do the calibration. Would you please kindly give me a helpful hand to install the software?
    I appreciate your kind cooperation to get rid of my problem.

    Spanish Text:

    "Estimado señor,

    En realidad me he enfrentado a un problema con nuestro instrumento laboratorio GSHX. He eliminado el software por error y ahora no puedo instalar el software en el instrumento, computadora de escritorio y hacer la calibración. ¿Podría por favor darme amablemente una mano útil para instalar el software?

    Agradezco su amable cooperación para deshacerse de mi problema."

    Thank you.
    I think you explain yourself pretty well on the translation.

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