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Thread: Help with spanish

  1. #1
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    Default Help with spanish

    The saying I want is:

    Be True Be Yourself Nobody is YOU

    the true way it is to be written...like fancy with the slashes or whatever above or below the or certain letters....

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Help with spanish

    Se honesto (a), se tu mismo (a), nadie es como tu... in spanish adjective are defined for male and female. If yo are talking to a man is honesto, mismo if is a woman is honesta, misma...

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Help with spanish

    Quote Originally Posted by Stacey Patten View Post
    The saying I want is:

    Be True Be Yourself Nobody is YOU

    the true way it is to be written...like fancy with the slashes or whatever above or below the or certain letters....

    How about ....

    Sea honesto Sea Ud mismo, Nadie es como Ud.

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