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Thread: I need assistance in translating the following paragraph to Spanish

  1. #1
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    Default I need assistance in translating the following paragraph to Spanish

    Enclosed is the SCI form you requested. Please take the form to your child's physician and have completed and signed. Please return the letter in the self addressed envelope. I will submit the form to Elgibility in order for the payments to continue.

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    Default Re: I need assistance in translating the following paragraph to Spanish

    Hello denicevz!

    Why don't you try it first?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: I need assistance in translating the following paragraph to Spanish

    Thank you I did try using the FAQ link with no luck.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: I need assistance in translating the following paragraph to Spanish


    Why don't you give us your version and we'll all help you out

  5. #5
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    Default Re: I need assistance in translating the following paragraph to Spanish

    Adjunto está el formulario SCI que solicitó. Por favor, lleve el formulario al médico de su hijo para completarlo y firmarlo. Por favor, devuelva la carta a la misma dirección del sobre. Ingresaré el formulario para legitimarlo y así continuar con los pagos.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: I need assistance in translating the following paragraph to Spanish

    I appreciate your help with this. This is a very valuable blog to be in. You guys are terrific.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: I need assistance in translating the following paragraph to Spanish

    Quote Originally Posted by Sirwallychocomel View Post
    Adjunto está el formulario SCI que solicitó. Por favor, lleve el formulario al médico de su hijo para completarlo y firmarlo. Por favor, devuelva la carta a la misma dirección del sobre. Ingresaré el formulario para legitimarlo y así continuar con los pagos.

    Everything looks Ok except for the last sentence. This is what I would say.

    Enclosed is the SCI form you requested. Please take the form to your child's physician and have completed and signed. Please return the letter in the self addressed envelope. I will submit the form to Elgibility in order for the payments to continue.

    Adjunto está el formulario SCI que solicitó. Por favor, lleve el formulario al médico de su hijo para completarlo y firmarlo. Por favor, devuelva la carta a la misma dirección del sobre. Enviare el formulario al Departamento de Elegibilidad para que Ud. continue recibiendo sus pagos.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: I need assistance in translating the following paragraph to Spanish

    Quote Originally Posted by CaliforniaMan View Post
    Everything looks Ok except for the last sentence. This is what I would say.

    Enclosed is the SCI form you requested. Please take the form to your child's physician and have completed and signed. Please return the letter in the self addressed envelope. I will submit the form to Elgibility in order for the payments to continue.

    Adjunto está el formulario SCI que solicitó. Por favor, lleve el formulario al médico de su hijo para completarlo y firmarlo. Por favor, devuelva la carta a la misma dirección del sobre. Enviare el formulario al Departamento de Elegibilidad para que Ud. continue recibiendo sus pagos.
    One doubt... what is Elgibility? (an office?) The last sentence should be then "Enviaré el formulario a Elgibility para que los pagos continúen" In none case it is said "recibir" though everyone will understand "you will continue receiving the payments"

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    Default Re: I need assistance in translating the following paragraph to Spanish

    Quote Originally Posted by CaliforniaMan View Post
    Everything looks Ok except for the last sentence. This is what I would say.

    Enclosed is the SCI form you requested. Please take the form to your child's physician and have completed and signed. Please return the letter in the self addressed envelope. I will submit the form to Elgibility in order for the payments to continue.

    Adjunto está el formulario SCI que solicitó. Por favor, lleve el formulario al médico de su hijo para completarlo y firmarlo. Por favor, devuelva la carta a la misma dirección del sobre. Enviare el formulario al Departamento de Elegibilidad para que Ud. continue recibiendo sus pagos.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sirwallychocomel View Post
    One doubt... what is Elgibility? (an office?) The last sentence should be then "Enviaré el formulario a Elgibility para que los pagos continúen" In none case it is said "recibir" though everyone will understand "you will continue receiving the payments"
    Yes. In this sentence Elgibility = Office = Department

    It is not rare for large public offices (Social Security Administration, Medicaid, Medicare, etc) or insurance companies to have an Eligibility department. These departments are in charge of deciding who is eligible or who qualifies for a benefit.

    While I am translating the words, I am also paying attention to the meaning in order to make the sentence more natural sounding for a Spanish speaking person.

    Re: "Enviaré el formulario a Elgibility para que los pagos continúen"
    This is just my opinion but I don't like to mix the languages in writing. It just does not look right. I may even say it does not look professional.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: I need assistance in translating the following paragraph to Spanish

    Quote Originally Posted by CaliforniaMan View Post
    Yes. In this sentence Elgibility = Office = Department

    It is not rare for large public offices (Social Security Administration, Medicaid, Medicare, etc) or insurance companies to have an Eligibility department. These departments are in charge of deciding who is eligible or who qualifies for a benefit.

    While I am translating the words, I am also paying attention to the meaning in order to make the sentence more natural sounding for a Spanish speaking person.

    Re: "Enviaré el formulario a Elgibility para que los pagos continúen"
    This is just my opinion but I don't like to mix the languages in writing. It just does not look right. I may even say it does not look professional.
    Well, write the sentence you think it fits better. I think " para que usted continúe recibiendo sus pagos" looks and sounds pretty fine. My chilean wife agreeds.

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