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Thread: Ayuda por favor "Torts"

  1. #1
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    Default Ayuda por favor "Torts"

    Hola, qué tal.

    Estoy haciendo una pequeña traducción acerca de los "Torts". Pensaba traducirlo como "agravios" pero tengo una parte que no funciona si uso dicho término.

    “Tart?” asked Zimmy. “I thought Zack was punched in the face, not thrown a pie at.”

    ¿Qué me recomiendar hacer o hay alguna otra palabra que pudiera yo usar? Como no tengo extensa experiencia en traducción no estoy muy segura si debo de hablar con el cliente para que yo sepa qué tanta libertad tengo para modificar algunas pequeñas cosas que no tienen sentido en Español, o qué es lo que debo hacer.

    Gracias de antemano.

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    Default Re: Ayuda por favor "Torts"

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Ayuda por favor "Torts"

    Bueno, la duda me tiene confundido.

    Tart?” asked Zimmy. “I thought Zack was punched in the face, not thrown a pie at.”

    "Tart" no se refiere al termino legal "tort" o "torts". En esta oración se refiere al pie

    Tart como sustantivo= pastel de frutas; tarta de mermelada; tarteleta

    Tart como adjetivo= ácido, agrio
    Last edited by vicente; 05-11-2014 at 08:40 AM.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Ayuda por favor "Torts"

    Pero el titulo del thread es "Torts"

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Ayuda por favor "Torts"

    Asi es pero parece que el ejemplo tiene que ver con tart, no? Esto es lo que me tiene confundido.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Ayuda por favor "Torts"

    Sí, realmente "Tort" es "Torta" y a la vez un término legal.

    Supongo que en éste caso "Tart" se traduce simplemente como "Pastel!", como quién exclama.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Ayuda por favor "Torts"

    Re: Tart?” asked Zimmy. “I thought Zack was punched in the face, not thrown a pie at.”

    The fact that Zack was punched in the face could be considered a tort since it could presumably result in some kind of loss or harm.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Ayuda por favor "Torts"

    Ah, es cierto, creo que es lo que California quiere decir, en España y algunos países de Latinoamérica, se le dice "Torta" o "Tortazo" a una Bofetada, con lo cual, en español quedaría como un juego de palabras, pero en inglés no tiene gracia.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Ayuda por favor "Torts"

    Quote Originally Posted by CaliforniaMan View Post
    Re: Tart?” asked Zimmy. “I thought Zack was punched in the face, not thrown a pie at.”

    The fact that Zack was punched in the face could be considered a tort since it could presumably result in some kind of loss or harm.
    Presumably, yes but is that what the poster asked? She says she's trying to translate "torts" but then says the term "agravios" doesn't fit and asks for another word and uses the "tart" sentence as an example:

    "agravios ... tengo una parte que no funciona si uso dicho término.

    “Tart?” asked Zimmy. “I thought Zack was punched in the face, not thrown a pie at.”

    ¿Qué me recomiendar hacer o hay alguna otra palabra que pudiera yo usar?"

    This calls for an interpretation of her intentions. Does she want to translate the sentence or is she writing an explanation of an action that might result in a tort claim, i.e., being hit in the face by a tart...or the "offense" of being hit. This request lacks a lot and as often happens the poster never returns to clarify things for us.

    To me being hit by a pie is an unlikely example of a tort claim. A tort is a civil matter so if you were hit by a pie would you file a tort claim and seek compensation and damages in a civil venue for getting your clothes messed up...or file a complaint for assault, which is a criminal matter. Could be either I suppose but I wish we had the whole paragraph so that we could tell why Zimmy was talking about Zack being assaulted with a pie.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Ayuda por favor "Torts"

    Quote Originally Posted by vicente View Post

    To me being hit by a pie is an unlikely example of a tort claim. A tort is a civil matter so if you were hit by a pie would you file a tort claim and seek compensation and damages in a civil venue for getting your clothes messed up...or file a complaint for assault, which is a criminal matter. Could be either I suppose but I wish we had the whole paragraph so that we could tell why Zimmy was talking about Zack being assaulted with a pie.
    As you say it all depends. If you get hit by a pie on a Saturday on the way to the beach, you may not consider filing.
    If you get hit by a pie on your way to an important event (your wedding, a job interview, etc) and that prevents you from arriving on time or even arriving you may consider filing a claim for the cost of cleaning, a wedding that did not take place, missed plane tickets, pain and suffering and a truckload of other things.

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