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Thread: help with translating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. #1
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    Default help with translating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I need to make a recipe to make empandas, i have to use commands
    (like pone...) so please translate....

    Ingridients: dough, cheese, pan, oil
    First put the dough on a plate,
    then put cheese on the dough,
    then fold the dough,
    then cook the bread in oil
    then let it cool
    then eat it!!

    remember to be carful!!!!


  2. #2
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    is it a flour dough? if so then it's a masa de harina de trigo. If it's corn, then it's harina de maiz...
    then cook the bread in oil (is this deep fry?)

    Ingredientes: masa (de harina de trigo?), queso, sarten, aceite
    Primero, ponga la masa en un plato,
    luego ponga el queso en la masa
    doble la masa,
    cocine la masa en aceite (o fríala en aceite)
    déjela enfriar
    y cómala!!!

    Recuerde tener cuidado

    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
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