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Thread: how to say "bindery" in Spanish?

  1. #1
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    Default how to say "bindery" in Spanish?

    Greetings everyone. I'm new here, and this is my burning question.

    I'm having a friend who's going to Buenos Aires bring back a fileteado sign
    for my studio workshop, and I want it to be right!

    I'm a bookbinder and the studio, therefore, is for bookbinding mostly (also tango, of course).

    Problem is, I can't figure out whether the word for "bindery" is La Imprenta, which seems to more indicate a press or publishing house, or la encuadernación, which a friend from Costa Rica said might just refer to the action of bookbinding itself.

    Is "taller de encuadernación" any better?

    Thank you in advance for your help and suggestions, Margarita

  2. #2
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    I´d go for "Taller de Encuadernación" / "Encuadernación" that are actually what could stand for "bindery", not "La Imprenta".

    Now, regarding which one to choose? I think it depends on you. "Taller de Encuadernación" it´s ok and precise, but "La Encuadernación" sounds more like a brand, it would be like "free shop" (the place/type of shop) and "The Free Shop" (the name/brand of the comerce). I don´t know if I explained myself well...

    Hope it helps! and please post a picture of that fileteado sign, I´m sure it´ll be just beautiful.

  3. #3
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    Hi Margarita, agree with Alex and if it's only bookbinding it should be "Taller de Encuadernación" but make sure it's all the service you are going to offer there cause that will be all you will be advertising.
    "Imprenta" is more for printing/pressing.
    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
    Trygve Halvdan Lie

  4. #4
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    Default muchas gracias

    Hola Alex y Sandra,

    Thank you for your posts and translations.

    I decided on "taller de encuadernación," and I appreciate the reasoning too you gave for "la encuadernación" and the difference in meaning.

    I can't wait to see what the fileteador does with it, and I hope to post a picture when the sign arrives.

    If you are interested you can see a picture of a paper curtain with the bookbinding term in spanish stenciled out of it: http://thebindery.blogspot.com/ (no "www").

    Again, I appreciate all your help. Margarita

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