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Thread: What does "Better stand tall when they're calling you out" mean?

  1. #1
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    Default What does "Better stand tall when they're calling you out" mean?


    The other day I was listening to Bon Jovi´s song (It`s my life) and couldn`t understand what does "Better stand tall when they're calling you out" mean. Could you help me with this one?'


  2. #2
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    Default Re: What does "Better stand tall when they're calling you out" mean?

    Mariac, have never heard the song so don't have the context of the quoted lyric but I would say that "Better stand tall" means you had better be brave/defend your position, whereas "when they are calling you out", I would interpret as when your critics (the "they" in this case) are asking you to explain/defend your opinion, so another common idiom in English similar to the lyiric would be "...stand up and be counted..."

  3. #3
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    Default Re: What does "Better stand tall when they're calling you out" mean?

    Thanks Noelito40!!

    I think that you are right because after that quote, continues the following sentence: "Don't bend, don't break, baby, don't back down". This means you have to be strong, no matter other´s opinion.

    This is a great song! From Bon Jovi´s album: Crush.
    It has a very positive message in it.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: What does "Better stand tall when they're calling you out" mean?

    That song is a very good song and has a good message. Very hard to find songs like that lately.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: What does "Better stand tall when they're calling you out" mean?

    Yes, you are right, it is hard to find that kind of songs. I would recommend another Bon Jovi´s song with a similar message from their latest album "What about now" the song with the same tittle. It is a very nice song with a beatifull message!
    Hope you listen & like it

  6. #6
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    Default Re: What does "Better stand tall when they're calling you out" mean?

    I will definitely look it up and listen to it! I really like Bon Jovi

  7. #7
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    Default Re: What does "Better stand tall when they're calling you out" mean?

    To "call somebody out" is a slang term that has been resurrected in the past few years. I first heard it in western (cowboy) movies. In the Old West, gunfighters who had a serious disagreement would call one another to come out into the street for a "showdown", or gunfight, to settle the argument. To be called out meant you had to go out and fight or be branded a coward. So you did not back down!

    As Noelito40 has said, today it means to be called upon to defend your position, opinion, belief, statement, etc., in a discussion or argument.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: What does "Better stand tall when they're calling you out" mean?

    Thanks Vicente!! I appreciate your explanation!!
    I will bring other Bon Jovi´s songs so you can help me understand them!

  9. #9
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    Default Re: What does "Better stand tall when they're calling you out" mean?

    I'll try to do my best!!

  10. #10
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    Default Re: What does "Better stand tall when they're calling you out" mean?

    I agree on both points. First, the saying means be brave and courageous and don't back down. Second, Bon Jovi is awesome and has many songs out with deep meaning to it.

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