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Thread: I need some help with the translation

  1. #1
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    Default I need some help with the translation

    hello everyone,

    I recently started learning spanish and i have to send an email to a customer in Spain. Can someone please help me with the translation of the following:

    " Yesterday I talked to Mr. Davis and as promised,I'm sending you the information about the company"

    Thank you in advance

  2. #2
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    Default Re: I need some help with the translation

    Hi, the spanish translation could be:

    "Ayer hablé con el señor Davis, y como prometí, te estoy enviando la información acerca de la compañía"

  3. #3
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    Default Re: I need some help with the translation

    Quote Originally Posted by Salvadorm View Post
    Hi, the spanish translation could be:

    "Ayer hablé con el señor Davis, y como prometí, te estoy enviando la información acerca de la compañía"

    Está correcto pero... ¿te o le? Ahí faltaría contexto para saber si se tutea o no.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: I need some help with the translation

    justo ahí el problema usando "le" es que resultaría ambiguo, no se sabría si la información acerca de la compañía se la está enviando a la persona a la que le está escribiendo o al señor Davis, pero sí, es verdad, con más contexto dejaría de ser ambiguo, por ejemplo, si sabemos que el señor Davis es el dueño de La Compañía entonces no le mandaría la información acerca de la compañía al señor Davis, por poner un ejemplo.
    Last edited by Salvadorm; 01-10-2013 at 04:24 PM. Reason: mejor explicación

  5. #5
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    Default Re: I need some help with the translation

    Creo que todas las contestaciones son aceptables; yo lo haría así: "Ayer hablé con el Sr. Davis, y como lo prometí, le estoy enviando la información sobre la compañía".

  6. #6
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    Default Re: I need some help with the translation

    Ese tipo de ambigüedad en español se puede solucionar en un 80% diciendo "envío a usted" en lugar de "le envío". Digo en un 80% porque como dijeron antes, no se sabe si se va a tutear o no, así que el otro 20% queda a discreción del que lo envía.
    Doritos123, we're discussing about saying "le envío" or "envío a usted" or "te envío", because -maybe you still don't know this- in Spanish you can direct to one person saying "le" or "te" -on this case- depending on the type of relationship you hold with that person. If you know him/her personally or have been talking to him/her for a long time, you feel confidence, then you would say "te envío" instead of "le envío". It's also a cultural thing. Here in South America, actually in the South of South America (Uruguay, Argentina, Chile) we use to treat this familiar way people we have just met but are close to our age. This difference called "tutear" or "hablar de tú" is usually used when an elder person talks to a younger one, like parents to sons/daughters or the teacher to the pupils. In English this doesn't exist, except for the slang word "ya", but doesn't seem to mean exactly the same. Also genders are very important in Spanish, which in English barely exist. I hope I helped and didn't confuse you. Anyway don't get scared. Spanish is very interesting and diverse, and despite of this diversity, very fun to learn. Good luck!

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