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Thread: phrase translation

  1. #1
    Moderator Jonatane's Avatar
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    Default phrase translation

    I want the translation of these phrase: "Special unspoken without sound".

    These phrase appears in a song of the band "King of Leon" named "Cold Desert".

    Who can help me with this?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: phrase translation

    Hi Jonaton,

    "Special unspoken without sound"
    This sentence doesn't make much sense, and seems to depend on a certain degree of 'poetic license'.

    I haven't heard the song, but I think this phrase is used to describe the desert mentioned in the previous line:
    'It's cold in the desert, water never sees the ground'

    I would translate it like this:
    [Hace frio en el desierto, el agua nunca ve la tierra]
    Especial, sin decirlo, sin sonido

    Hope that helps a bit.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: phrase translation

    Forgot to add -
    it's THIS phrase, not THESE phrase
    because phrase is singular

  4. #4
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    Default Re: phrase translation

    I want the translation of these phrase: "Special unspoken without sound".

    These phrase appears in a song of the band "King of Leon" named "Cold Desert".

    Who can help me with this?

    From listening to the song and how the phrase is used in it, I would suggest that the phrase is actually

    "Special, unspoken, without sound".

    which I would translate as

    ["Especial, del cual no se habla, sin sonido"]

    And as jworley suggested, they are probably adjectives referring to the desert described in the song.

    Hope this helps!!!

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