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Thread: How to change into Imperfect and past tense.

  1. #1
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    Default How to change into Imperfect and past tense.

    Hey guys, I need a little help on changing some of the words into imperfect but I don't know how to. I also need to change some words into past tense.

    --Hice mi experiencia laboral En una de ropa al aire libre y de equipos tienda para cinco días. Fue organizado por mí. Levantaba a las nueve o anterior de la mañana y pregunté a mi padre para el transporte.

    Mi jefe llamó Andrew Davies me comunicó todo sobre el negocio. Por lo menos quatro personas trabajan en el edificio. Trabajé con una ordenadora tenía que hacer un montón de fotocopias y marcar la lista de verificación donde tenía que comprobar lo que los artículos se han comprado en ese día. Que tengo que hacer esto cada mañana.
    Tuve una hora para almuerzo y Puedo comer en la oficina, y jugar con el perro de Andrew, pero a veces él no está allí, A veces, salgo a comprar alimentos en las tiendas.
    Rob es mi guía. Me mostró alrededor de la tienda y garaje. Me dijo cómo el negocio está funcionando y me ayuda cuando no sabe qué hacer.

    No fue duro, en realidad fue muy fácil y. En los últimos dos días, yo estaba en el garaje de ayudar a Rob y Andrew construir una tienda de campaña. Era agotador.

    Me presenté a trabajar en una farmacia, pero todas las farmacias estaban llenos. Quiero llegar a ser algo de la medicina en el futuro.Pero me divertí y aprendí mucho--

    I know I have a few mistakes, do you guys mind correcting that too?
    Thank you in advance.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: How to change into Imperfect and past tense.

    I started to do it but I couldn't really understand most of it. So, I dropped it.
    If you send the original in English, I could give you a hand with that.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: How to change into Imperfect and past tense.

    you don't understand it? thanks for helping out by the way
    here's the english;
    I did my work experience in an outdoor clothing and equipment shop for five days. It was organized by me. Got up at nine or earlier in the morning and asked my father for transport.

    My boss called Andrew Davies told me all about business. At least four people working in the building. I worked with ordering had to do a lot of copies and make a checklist where I had to check what items have been purchased on that day. I have to do this every morning.
    I had one hour for lunch and I can eat in the office, and play with Andrew's dog, but sometimes he is not there so i get bored, sometimes I go out to buy food in stores.
    Rob is my guide. He showed me around the store and garage. He told me how the business is working and helps me when I do not know what to do.

    It was not hard, it was actually very easy. In the last two days I was in the garage to help Rob and Andrew build a tent. It was exhausting.

    I applied to work in a ******** ( the hidden word is Pha.rmacy. I dont know why its covered) , but all the pharmacies were full. I want to work in medicine in the future. But I had fun and learned a lot
    Last edited by Gio Hernandez; 05-12-2012 at 01:08 PM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: How to change into Imperfect and past tense.


    I don't know what your native language is, but what you wrote in English is not polished to say the least.

    I understand the piece, but if I attempt to translate that, I would have to rearrange the whole thing and it would take a long time. So, I'm sorry I can't help you.

    Maybe someone else will jump in and help you out.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: How to change into Imperfect and past tense.


    A google-translated text doesn't count as an 'attempt at translating the text yourself.'

    Editing a translation made by a machine is called Post-Editing, and it's a paid task.

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