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Thread: Questions for an Academic Transcript Translation

  1. #1
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    Default Questions for an Academic Transcript Translation

    So, hello everyone! This is my second assignment as a translator, and I have many questions! I don't know if anyone has done any translation for Academic Transcripts, but there are some things that are just different in Spain than they are in the US. I'd be SO grateful if anyone had some tips! Here are some questions:

    1. The title of the document is CERTIFICADO ACADÉMICO PERSONAL. This is literally PERSONAL ACADEMIC CERTIFICATE. Any problems on that? I've never heard this in the US. It's only ACADEMIC TRANSCRIPT, isn't it? But I didn't know if that was perfectly okay and should not change it.

    2. For the classification of one class, they write in parenthesis (Básica, Primero Ciclo, Primero Curso). I'd say (Basic, Course Requirements, First/Freshman Year). Now, Primero Ciclo in Spain means the first two years, which are two years of requisites for the major, and not really for a general BA like here. Like, for example, if you are studying Spanish in Spain, the first two years (el primero ciclo) are grammar, syntax, linguistics and literature combined. In the last two years (segundo ciclo) you choose a specialization (Spanish Literature or Language). Therefore I'm not sure how to translate it. First Cycle wouldn't make any sense here...

    3. Grades. They have the 1 to 10 scale in Spain and go for Matrícula de Honor (10) Excelente (9-10), Notable (7-8.9), Aprobado (5 - 6.9). Should I equate that to the A-F scale and just substitute them?

    I might get around 3.000 more questions as I'm just starting the assignment, but I didn't want to abuse

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Questions for an Academic Transcript Translation

    What's the target readership? I think it all comes down to that. Americans/English?

  3. #3
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    EvaMariaSoto, I think bobo25 has made a point. The key is to know the target readership, so you can localize your text according to that specific readership. Once you know that, everything will get so much easier!

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