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Thread: does this translation have racist or derogatory cultural references?

  1. #1
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    Default does this translation have racist or derogatory cultural references?

    I have a mobile game written in English. My brother, having lived in Mexico for a few years, is translating the game to Spanish for me. One of the game elements is a slingshot and his translation was 'Tirachinas'. However, he was concerned (because of the literal translation of the word) that it could have racist or derogatory implications in some cultures. Can anyone verify this one way or the other? I would really appreciate any input.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Xóchitl L.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: does this translation have racist or derogatory cultural references?

    I was born in Mexico and lived there for 30 years, but I never heard the word 'tirachinas'; we called them resorteras. Anyway, I know in some Hispanic countries the verb "tirar" has some kind of sexual connotation. Maybe you can use a synonym that can be understood in most Hispanic countries. (Unless your mobile game is directed to a specific Hispanic market.) I will suggest you to open another thread asking Hispanics how they call slingshots in their countries.

    Last edited by Xóchitl L.; 08-30-2011 at 03:14 PM.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: does this translation have racist or derogatory cultural references?

    a slingshot and his translation was 'Tirachinas'...that it could have racist or derogatory implications in some cultures
    I think the translation is OK because that is the name of the slingshot. But there is a difference between using a tirachinas and being a tirachinas, the latter can be an insult that implies the person is aggressive and likes to pick up fights, etc.

    Here in Vzla., we call it only china (sling) which is the Y shaped thingy with the rubber band. And we call the action of the person using dar un chinazo. I guess we would say tirachinas to the person using it. It could have a derogatory implication if you use it as an insult rather than to indicate the action a person is doing.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: does this translation have racist or derogatory cultural references?

    Guauuuu!! This is way different than what is used in my native Argentina: honda. :-) Down there tirachinas can definitely have a negative meaning (but only in a twisted mind ;-)).

  5. #5
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: does this translation have racist or derogatory cultural references?

    Hi my dearest gentle long time....

    Pero explica cómo se interpretaría...o sea, por lo de tirar? como dijo Xóchi?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: does this translation have racist or derogatory cultural references?

    In Spain, "tirachinas" is how we call a slingshot. It has not racist connotations at all. A "china" is a small rock, the ones that are used to throw with those instruments. It has nothing to do with chinese people.
    Maybe this Tirachinas - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre could help

  7. #7
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: does this translation have racist or derogatory cultural references?

    Pero estas seguro que china es la piedra? Aquí la china es el aparatito con que se lanzan.
    Last edited by Cotty; 08-31-2011 at 05:27 PM.

  8. #8
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    Default Re: does this translation have racist or derogatory cultural references?

    Sí, al menos en España, se le llama china a las piedrecillas pequeñas. Y de ahí "tirachinas", es decir, algo así como lanza-piedras.
    Real Academia Española. Diccionario Usual.

    Ahí también aparece la acepción venezolana

  9. #9
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    Default Re: does this translation have racist or derogatory cultural references?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eruemu View Post
    Sí, al menos en España, se le llama china a las piedrecillas pequeñas. Y de ahí "tirachinas", es decir, algo así como lanza-piedras.
    Real Academia Española. Diccionario Usual.

    Ahí también aparece la acepción venezolana

    Totalmente de acuerdo contigo, Eruemu.

  10. #10
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: does this translation have racist or derogatory cultural references?

    Sip...ya lo ví yo también

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